Forums » Role Playing

My heart is spurned.

Apr 16, 2004 Sheean link
/me hops in and looks around terribly confused
Apr 21, 2004 Demonen link
I don't see a problem with a player being male while the character is female.
If it takes people more than a day or two to figure it out I say:

I've played paper-and-pencil RPG's as female characters before. It's really interresting when a male CHARACTER falls in love with a FEMALE character and they're both straight men.
Apr 21, 2004 harvestmouse link
mm. quick, one of you guys start rpging a female! I want to see if I can tell the difference :D

after all, didn't it take a looong time for people to finally figure out I was a girl?
Apr 21, 2004 aeternalis link
I had to say something before people figured it out. And I agree with mouse anyway.

And Celkan told me it was two months before people figured out that Verdandi and Viriana were female chars, and he a male.

So yes. I applaud Celkan for his work.
Apr 21, 2004 harvestmouse link
wouldn't it be funny if someone actually fell in love with Verdandi and Viriana -_~...
of course I know vendetta is just a game, but one COULD start liking certain players.

/and the game gets more interesting lol
Apr 22, 2004 Sjet link
That's just..disturbing..
Apr 22, 2004 Demonen link
If a character falls in love with a character that's all just good fun, but if a PLAYER falls in love with a character it's like falling in love with a television character or a cartoon figure.

It'll never be transferable to real life.
Apr 22, 2004 RelayeR link
RelayeR is in love with Myself. Myself is one of her constant companions and is male. She can't stand ShutteR or SnappeR though.

RelayeR still thinks Katarn is female and is an exceptional role-player!

BUT, RelayeR is still awfully confused about this thread's, and Gizzard's incident(s).
Apr 22, 2004 Sheean link
Maybe I should try some roleplaying after the reset too, would be fun ;)
Apr 22, 2004 Celkan link
Join the Aesir League, that's pretty much the entire point of the guild.