Forums » Role Playing

I'm done

Apr 03, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Ah yes, the plague that is SAW...
Apr 03, 2004 poohsuntzu link
Sure, we all have seen the posts of "I'm leaving, community sucks, blah blah blah", but I'm sure there is room for one more. Don't want to read it? That's fine, move along, nothing to see here.

The community has gone to hell, and has been that way for the time I've been here. From griefers to pirates, continual rude behavior and cheap gameplay, it is not worth my time to continue beta testing. Sure sure, people pirate because that's the only action around here. Sure sure, if you kill someone while griefing it is because that person didn't have skill. Whatever your reasoning, it's not helping any part of the testing process. We all know flares work. We are all aware of ramming. We know how "drop ur CarGo" works. None of that needs to be tested, nor is it helping the community have fun.

That's why I joined. Because I wanted to have fun and help beta test. I can now see why most of the vets have moved on, and it is because not only does the majority of the community not care about one another, but because the current process is not testing anything. The rudeness and cheap player fighting is not getting anything done to further the project. I mean, how bad is it when you are in a bus, declaring non hostile and bug testing a sector, only to be shot down by a SAW griefer? What is the point in testing if you can't test?

Sure, I'm ranting. But sometimes you have to let it out. I have 500k waiting to pass out to a good player, once who benifits from and with the community, just post here. I hope to return when the community is much more concerned about the "community", and less about getting their 13 year old adrenaline rush out of making people upset.

Dev's, you have done an amazing job on the engine and latency transfers for bandwidth. From graphics to gameplay handling, I'm continually impressed. Keep up the good work!

PS: Why not be a good person, all you griefers, and donate some $$$ with the paypal account on their site?
Apr 03, 2004 Archon link
I couldn't agree more, poohsuntzu.
Apr 03, 2004 Forum Moderator link
[moved to role-playing, for lack of a better spot]
Apr 03, 2004 zoid fuzor link
what is beta testing?
Apr 03, 2004 harvestmouse link
beta testing--zoid, in vendetta, you know there can sometimes be bugs. When you find one, you can file a bug report, and spend further time trying to recreate the bug. Once you figure out how the bug works, you can tell the devs, and they will fix it

poohsuntzu, I wish you wanted to stay : (
I know the community can get annoying (I've been killed in my homesector as a newb, or griefed by the same crowd over and over again), but I do think this will be fixed by the final game. Don't let jerks get to you... if you ever need some help, there ARE decent vendetta members around.
heh, hope I didn't sound like a pollyanna
Apr 03, 2004 RelayeR link
You want to recreate or fiddle with a me. I'll defend you to the death.
Apr 03, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Same goes for me. If someone actually WANTS to do the job we're all here for then call me. I'll die to get this game out and will kill anyone atetmpting to kill the tester, that includes my suiciding at full burn into Serco Craft that try something.

as for your leaving, I must say I am always sorry when a pilot feels the need to leave because of a bad community. I only hope you will return eventually.

As for the "drop ur CarGo" comment, I could not possibly agree more. We've all proven that piracy and greifing works ingame, now lets move onto another aspect of the game, say Community Efforts and the like.

I only hope you pirates and griefers see what your actions aer doing. Keep this up, there will be no one left but the pirates and greifers themeselves and then they will fall upon each other and the galaxy will be reset to a Bus and Centurion level. Then, perhaps the Titans can return and keep those unsavories oppressed. But until then, we must do what we can and the decent players must work together to survive. Not just as guilds, but as a Nation and as a Coalition in times of great need.
Apr 04, 2004 Forum Moderator link
It kills me when somebody asks what beta testing is. You agreed to beta test this game when you downloaded it. People seem to forget that they are being allowed to play in exchange for finding and reporting bugs, suggesting features and changes, and generally trying to make the finished product great. Guild Software doesn't owe you a thing (though they have been incredibly dedicated to their users), you owe them.

Because it is not a finished product, and because the developers are trying something unusual in that they allow the testers such latitude and access, the Vendetta Test is the far frontier of online game play. Like the fontier of the Old West in America, this frontier is a land of opportunity, failure, frustration, riches, freedom, saints and scallywags. It's not for everyone. If you don't like it, please just give it a rest for a few months and come back later. Things change quickly and dramatically every few months.
Apr 04, 2004 andreas link
poohsuntzu, if you want to trade, call for an escort. If you are being griefed, call for help. And don't give up.
Apr 04, 2004 Bohani link
I'm following you poohsuntzu, I'm feed up with all this "fit a swear word of your choice" I really am, bye all, not nice playing with you.

The old days.......
Apr 04, 2004 Zeratul link
Yeah, the old days. The days of 3.0.x and 3.1.x. Those were the good old days.

I agree with every word, poohsuntzu. Some of the same reasons why I left.
Apr 04, 2004 SirCamps link
And those of 3.0 and 3.1 were wishing for the days of 2.x.

Sad to see a member of the community leave, but let me offer some advice to beta testers:

First, declare that you're testing a bug, not playing for enjoyment. If a player still refuses to leave you alone, switch teams until he logs off. This is why you can create up to six characters. It's good to have one on every nation. Even Yooyooma has left me alone when I mentioned I testing differences between OS's.

Second, don't let the rude behavior get to you. Why do you think we have the ignore command? Certainly not for the "dumb n00b, ignored" type of threats that some vets constantly spew. If someone is being rude, ignore them (I generally wipe my ignore list every week) and forget about it.
Apr 04, 2004 roguelazer link
Sorry SC, but I don't remember that. People were enjoying themselves. We've only gotten bitchy and boring of late, and now we complain about things more. It's our fault, but let's bitch anyhow!
Apr 04, 2004 Trigger link
one inm down, buku more to go =P
Apr 04, 2004 SirCamps link
LOL!! Well, this is the RPing thread...
Apr 04, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
People who claim to love a game on one thread then turn around on another and bash it annoy the living daylights out of me and I'm sure Im not the only one who feels this way.

You either like the game or dont. If you do give some constructive critism, makes suggestions, be proactive. If you don't, please just leave. Hanging around and making it no fun for everyone else is just being a jerk.
Apr 04, 2004 Forum Moderator link
