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The "Swarm Twins"
The recently active [SG1] Ka and [SG1] Ra have added a bit of spice to the Vendetta battlesectors.
One of their recent exploits was chronicled by myself. The mystery of their origins and motives is still unsolved.
One of their recent exploits was chronicled by myself. The mystery of their origins and motives is still unsolved.
I can tell you their origin. It's called: "The money bug."
Okay, you gotta tell me how you got your background to get that greyish black color. Is that how the lowest quality setting looks for you? I play with backgrounds off because of the FPS hit and how it just clutters up the screen so badly. But I'd still like to have some variation to tell where I'm facing etc. I wish they'd use simpler backgrounds like in Homeworld.
maybe Relayer is hitting zoom
I'm not only using Eldrad's variable zoom, I have background set to extremely high.
*(Eldrad get's top billing for coming up with the bind and Roguelazer get's a kick in the pants for posting it from another thread without giving credit :-P )
*(Eldrad get's top billing for coming up with the bind and Roguelazer get's a kick in the pants for posting it from another thread without giving credit :-P )
Rog copied it from another thread.
Oww. I gave him credit once I remembered where I'd gotten it from!
/me 'unkicks' roguelazer and hands him a cookie!