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Mar 19, 2004 turtlefish link
Well, looks like SAW is getting bigger and richer and more powerfull! And look who's killing NT n00bs for no reason. Well, I don't want to start an arguement, just saying that now you can help the NT by joining the Neutral Territories Defense Wing (NTDW). It's almost like an NT version of the INM. If you want more info, PM me on Vendetta at "[NTDW] Avalon" or if I'm on IRC you can find me in the Vendetta chat room. You can also go to the web forums at:

Alright, take care!

Mar 19, 2004 SirCamps link
You realize that by allying with the INM you give SAW good reason to specifically target you.
Mar 19, 2004 Durgia link
We are not allied. Though we may begin talks of becoming so. BTW Saw has almost doubled our numbers w00t.
Mar 19, 2004 Trigger link
hahas some golds ally with saw others with inm, funny...
Mar 19, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
I won't comment on that, black.
Mar 19, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Okay firstly, allow em to put this at rest and beat a few dead points into fine pulp.

1) Avalon never said he was allied with INM and therefore shouldn't be considered as an ally of the INM

2) Simply for being a NT and for being militant to the SAW then he should be considered hostile in that regard.

3)NTDW I'm pretty sure is more like the SDF (SDF has no alliance or affiliation with the NTDW and will fire at will on NTDW craft found to be in violation of Serco Borders)

Anyway, on the point. I hope the NTDW can do their jobs respectably and will become a worthy group to be ingame. However, NTDW craft and pilots should be aware, I personnally will be watching your actions on the boards and ingame closely and will not tolerate War Crimes on the Serco People or the Serco Traders.

[SDF] Black 1
Mar 19, 2004 Magus link
The NTDW has my full support.
Mar 20, 2004 Durgia link
Personally I hope NTDW works. If it was possible to get the SDF actually working again then the 3 guilds(INM included) would balance eachother and make a much safer and friendlier place to have FUN.
Mar 20, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Or it may end up blowing and we will have even larger battles, but I hope not.
Mar 20, 2004 zamzx zik link
hope so...
Mar 20, 2004 turtlefish link
Thanks guys. Now I just need members.

Mar 20, 2004 SirCamps link
I checked my cached page--he edited his post.

Turtlefish, in the future, please make a note when you substantially edit your posts after someone has replied to it.

He said "In fact, we're allied."
Mar 20, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Hmm, the cache can be posted on a website, please do so.
Mar 20, 2004 genka link
Erm... What purpose would putting the cache on a website serve?
Mar 20, 2004 turtlefish link
oh, sry about that
Mar 20, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Ah, i see, didn't see turtle's post.
Mar 20, 2004 Zeplin link
Yes a balance of SDF NTDW and INM would be great, The game would really benifit from having decent numbers in all 3 groups, and a nice working exchange of info, allowing all 3 Guilds to protect there boarders, traders, and non-hostiles.

Hopeing its possible to start talks with SDF and create some what of an alliance in catching the pirates and griefers, So that the game has a nice safe fealing about it.
We are currently aware of several that hide in sectors we are patroling, Making it hard for SDF to take full action, We would like to change the situation, So they are on there own, And wont hide in a sector with us. Possibly createing an information exchange, So that the ranking player in game can be contacted and informed immediatly, The we can move right out of the way, While SDF takes action against the pirates and griefers.
When NTDW is established, It would be nice to have the opertunity there also, to create an information exchange.

Anyway, just some ideas being thrown around for now =)
Mar 20, 2004 SirCamps link
Partial list of Itani griefers/pirates:


Notice that four of the five are actually in INM, and the other (Yooyooma) is protected by them. How do you protect "others" from yourselves?
Mar 20, 2004 Blacklight link
I havent seen Cohen or ? pirate but they do grief SAW and other pirates

-Eternal Sun
Mar 20, 2004 NeDemordJamais link
Your honor,
the jury,
There is a man, in this very court, that has a mouth that speaks both of whiteness and of wideness. In all area his voice reflects his intimate thoughts on everything. This voice is also varied in depth of reflection, suggesting many occasions to challenge himself to become better. Or in his own words, less worse.
Often, this man speaks. No. Entertains the gallery far less than himself with words that ponctuates others' conversations, and even his own.
When this happens, part of the whole world turns its eye to that man.
When the world does not turn its eye, this man speaks again, louder.
This does not mean that the original thought is right or more right, nor that the untruth is more valid.
More over, some of his speaches are deemed to be of interest but are located in conversations about other objects.

An absolutly random example of these qualities is:


Partial list of Itani griefers/pirates:


End quotation.

Void, there is only void. Nothing to read or understand, these words have yet formed an idea since they are still elements, at best a few molecules. For these words are not even the sword its owner wishes. These words are nothing but gas particles or iron waiting to be melted.

Your honor, the man speaking white and wide is speaking void.

This man should change.

(The masculin was used only for simplicity.)

I await a complete proof from the Inquisitorino Campinocchio:
Parties involved
Weapons used by all parties
Other technical informations deemed important
Clearly stated definitions of key concepts

Obviously this should be reported in another thread.


Conserning the present matter. I raise this question:

"Could it be that Avalon wrote this incredibly rapidly, all excited to propose an alternative, to create something different, to do good?"