Forums » Role Playing
mass battle!
Hey all, I was just reading about the giant battle that was happening in 9 and it got me thinking, what if I were to set up battles just for fun? So I offer to you all (though this has probably been done before) The Vendetta Gladiatorial League*sounds of trumpets*! I'm thinking that this will happen over the weekends in a sector that I haven't decided upon yet. It would basically be two evenly divided teams who would fight each other to the death. NOTE: this does not in any way shape or form have to do with your allegiances to certain nations and should not be continued outside the tournament. Anyways, I would most likely post the results on the forum or something. There would not be a prize (most likely, unless the teams want to bet) and anyone is welcome. Again, this would purely be for fun and nothing more. I am in the proccess of making different classes for each battle so people won't show up to a gun battle with a spoon. If you would like to join, please just post your name (and main SN) here and I will put you on the list. Thanks, and send your responses!
Not to rain(e) on your parade but I beleive that this topic has been discussed before on this board. Check downwards on the list and perhaps on the 2nd or 3rd pages after the main one.
Alright, even though this most likely has been done before, I would still like to try it, so, again, if you would like to join up, please just post and I will sign you up. I think that Pyro might be joining me, I don't know, I'll have to talk to him in school tomorrow, but in any case, JOIN! There might be cash prizes, and think of the possible cash that you could make off of betting on the battles! I would act as bookie, but I wouldn't take a share of the cash so don't worry, I don't really need it anyways. ^_^
General forum , see "battle for 40 after report" for an example