Forums » Role Playing

Gold Nation's Resurrection

Feb 20, 2004 7th Blade link
The Gold Nation capped the Serco Dominion moments ago with an impressive fleet of 15+ golds. Haven't experienced the large population for awhile, I must say it felt almost like the earlier days (3.2.x) of the Gold Nation's domination over the other two nations.
It started with a few gold vets. Golds established a trading convoy of about 10 players. Realizing that the fleet is capable of capping, Asp and Blackhole Goldclaw gave the idea of capping. I (7th Blade) agreed and the cap was on.
The trading fleet formed with other golds to yield the Gold Nation Capping Fleet.
They overwhelmed any oppositions and took home the Red Nation's flag. What a glorious feeling it was.

Help rebuild Gold Nation!
Feb 20, 2004 stick link
Yes, erm, It seems the def bots were lagged out today and they wasn't replying to Serco Defense 1's commands. I blame the server for this one, no reason, just do.

<Serco Defense 1> Hostile Craft... This is Serco space... Please leave at once!

[NPCDEF]Red 1-> Hostiles have the flag send all to assist...

[NPCDEF]Red 1-> Do you copy?

(5 mins later)

*[NPCDEF]Red 1* omw, sending Red 2,3,4 and 5. Red 6 has been disconnected.

See the lag! :P
Feb 20, 2004 Magus link
A fleet of traders took the flag?
The citizen soldiers, this is what makes the Neutral Territories what it is. Men and women willing to lay down their lives and risk their money for the honor and glory of their nation as their only reward. We need no militaries. We need no dedicated guilds. So long as our Merchants, mercenaries, and traders are willing to fight we shall prevail!

In the words of Maximus Desmus Meridius: "What we do in life, echoes in eternity."


[PS: Shouldn't this be in Role playing?]
Feb 20, 2004 7th Blade link
Feb 20, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Excellent! I keep us the Neutral Nation coop. Wait a moment... *Runs to defend itani flag*
Feb 20, 2004 Arolte link
I'd be happy to help The Neutral Territories out, but a number of things have caused me to take yet another temporary break:

1. College. Got a crapload of work to do. With four studio classes in a row on Tuesdays and Thursdays (11am-9pm) and 19 credits to complete this semester, I'll have less time playing games.

2. Tri-flare n00bs. It's still a problem and with the added "push physics" it makes them even more powerful by throwing your aim off. The tri-gauss config is still too powerful in terms of auto-aim and damage.

3. Poor team support. The last time I played was when Lin switched to Serco and the only Neutrals that were on were those SM trolls and a few nameless newbies. While this gave me more targets to pirate, it was by no means fun to have wave after wave of enemies just coming in and taking the flag like it was nothing. Things are starting to change, yes, but there's still a long way to go.

4. Reset. I've reset my own character because I totally goofed around with my stats before I got into playing Halo. With zero credits and rich enemies, you sorta don't feel like botting all those hours again to get all that money/score back. I have no intention of trading ever again due to the career path I've chosen for my character. Unless of course it's stolen cargo.


That being said, I am patiently waiting until some HUGE update comes along that not only balances out the gameplay of Vendetta more, but also adds more stuff to do. As well as having a full reset. I realize whining about today's problems won't solve anything, as the past has proven so harshly, so I'll just continue posting suggestions on the forums and working on the ship design contest.

So until then, hang in there Gold Nation. You haven't been forgotten! I'm sure the vets will come back as Vendetta develops more over time. Assuming it'll remain a free public beta for months to come.
Feb 20, 2004 Forum Moderator link
[moved to role-playing]
Feb 20, 2004 Trigger link
uhh most of the gold vets are back, almost...
Feb 20, 2004 Arolte link
Venthir? Blaster? FurBall? Sheep? SiliconX? ... want more? :p
Feb 20, 2004 UncleDave link
You have to realise that its not just sunflares that got better. Proxy mines, geminis, swarms are all deadly now.
Feb 20, 2004 SirCamps link
Nah, swarms have always been deadly. Proxes are good for throwing a guy off your path. Geminis are pretty balanced, but all the other homing missiles are crap.

Arolte, tri-flare are the easiest things in the world now to avoid. When he goes to boost, give him a couple of rails, tachs, or gauss. 19 credits? You're insane.
Feb 20, 2004 Arolte link
Easy for you? Maybe. The only way I can avoid death right now is to get into a Valkyrie with a medium/fast charge combo. If I get in a Hornet with a heavy/heavy combo, I'm dead. If I get in a Warthog with a heavy/heavy combo, I'm dead. If I get in a Prometheus with a heavy/heavy combo... I can maybe get one or two kills, but then I'm dead. It doesn't leave you many choices in terms of engine and ship selection now does it? I can't afford to die as much as other people either due to not having millions of credits at my disposal. So I'm actually trying to play the game as it was intended... and let me tell you it's frickin' hard.

I don't care what other people say, tri-flares are hard as hell to avoid with the combined proximity radius. There is a certain point where the proximity is unavoidable and the splash damage to the assailant is minimal. The gauss is just as hard, if not harder, than the sunflare configuration. I've been trying real hard to enjoy this game using laser weapons only--tri-tachyons on Valk and quad gravitons on Hornet--but time and time again the rocket rammer comes out on top. It's just too easy of a weapon to use and abuse.

The main problem here is that players have very little choice in the selection of successful ships/weapon/engine/battery layouts available. The point is if I choose to fly a Hornet with a heavy/heavy combo with quad gravitons, I shouldn't be a flying target to a tri-flare Valkyrie. It's even more noticeable in heavier ships like the Ragnarok and Centaur. They're completely defenseless and are only useful for swarm spamming and docking repeatedly, making combat into a game of peekaboo. I don't wanna sound like I'm whining or anything, I'm just trying to point out that what ruins the fun for me is the lack of varying roles and ship configurations that actually work. I know I'm not the only one who is turned off by this either.
Feb 21, 2004 lunitary link
If we are already on the subject of weapons problem (i know this is off topic) then mabye a deferent chage for weapons to make each weapon more usable is to make it a deferent damage for each type of ship.

for instance, flares will do to a light ship X damage while doing X/2 damage to a heavy ship etc...
Feb 21, 2004 DR link
[quote] In the words of Maximus Desmus Meridius: "What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

that part of the movie is so awesome
Feb 21, 2004 roguelazer link
Arolte, I can find several flaws with your experimentation:

1. You only used heavy/heavy. I wouldn't do that if I were you, since everyone knows that all batteries except f-c and free are useless...

2. You only tried heavy ships (yes, the hornet is heavy). Personally, I can get around a valk in a centurion, a valk, a maurauder, a vulture and sometimes a warthog depenting on pilot. A C-47 generally can't outmaneuver an F-18, you know...
Feb 21, 2004 Magus link
Hey hey! This is a thread about the rebirth of our glorious nation.

Take your discussions about game balance elsewhere. I agree with Arolte, but not here.
Feb 21, 2004 Arolte link
Roguelazer, that's the point I'm trying to illustrate. Players should be able to choose whatever configuration they want without fear of getting killed the moment a Valk comes into the sector. I'm not saying a bomber should outmaneuver an advanced fighter. What I'm saying is that the bomber should have a better chance of survival. This may include having faster and longer lasting engines, or even better defensive weapons. Something needs to be done either way. If I want to use a heavy ship with a heavy/heavy combo, then gosh darnit I should be able to! Why are they in the game if they're so useless?

/me hugs Magus

Okay I'll stop now, Magus... but if roguelazer continues I'll create a new thread on the subject matter.

Feb 21, 2004 Magus link
"Okay I'll stop now, Magus... but if roguelazer continues I'll create a new thread on the subject matter."
-You're too late. FM just needs to move mine into suggestions.

Now, back to telling those Sercos and Itanis that they can take away our lives, but they'll never take, OUR FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 21, 2004 UncleDave link
Arolte... trust me, beating a valk in a bomber isnt all that hard, so long as your engine is med or heavy. Backpedal, use a gatling for suppressive fire and lay stuff in their way- rockets, mines, anything that goes boom. It doesnt matter what battery you have unless youre running away, which is precisely what you shouldnt do.