Forums » Role Playing

A letter to JakP on behalf of OG and myself

Jun 18, 2022 99Assassin99 link
To JakP, high commander of ONE.
I would like to apologize on behalf of I and my guild for my actions, they were irrational and unbecoming of a liutenant. Nor did they represent the idealogy of our guild, Serco is not our enemy and never will be. We exist only to eliminate the Hive threat for all of humanities sake.
I accept the consequences and potentially face either demotion or expulsion for violating guild policy.
Most sincerely -AzureFox
Notation: It has been a few days since I wrote this and I am no longer a part of OG, but I ask that you forgive them also for my mistake. I believe I have helped the Serco people more than hindered prior. Including but not limited to: Serving in SVG, Assisting in capital ship construction for ONE members at significant cost to myself, enlistment in the Serco military and on some occasions station defence.
Jun 18, 2022 greenwall link
lol wow
Jun 18, 2022 death456 link
Someone ticked off the ONE overlords. Anyone have a backbone to at least not publicly apologize on forums?
Jun 18, 2022 99Assassin99 link
They specifically requested I do so.
Jun 19, 2022 death456 link
ITAN is quivering in it's boots when we see public apologies like this. (Insert background laughter/sarcasm)

I think you missed my point. Yes it takes a strong person to admit when error has happen. Dignity should be the last thing a person should have and the final thing to give up. You lose dignity when a public apology letter like this is written.

ONE will never take away my credits, my play space in VO, my access to Itani technology, and finally ONE will never take away my dignity.
Jun 19, 2022 IonicPaulTheSecond link
You need to have dignity in the first place to lose it, Itani dogs.

It's a sign of humility to admit fault. It's a sign of strength to withstand the loss of face. Even the youngest Serco child knows this, and so we respect it.

The humble Itani nation, afraid of apologies! Azure has proven his position over the most dignified of Itani with his. Your eventual defeat will be a mercy. Perhaps then your people will know something other than weakness.
Jun 19, 2022 DeathSpores link
Jun 21, 2022 greenwall link
This isn’t humility, it’s spectacle and subservience.
Jun 21, 2022 death456 link
"Azure has proven his position over the most dignified of Itani with his." -Ionic

More like he was slapped into place when he did something his ONE overlords didn't like. Just like RBEL and any other upstart who want to go against the monopoly in greyspace.
Jun 24, 2022 IToken link
@Incarnate how is forcing Azurefox to make this post not bullying and against the code of conduct?
Jun 24, 2022 death456 link
As much as the terrible optics of the ONE guild to the larger VO public. I see this as ONE told person X to make this post or likely be KOS'ed forever. Person X wanted forgiveness and did not want to KOS'ed so he posted this. Just a theory as we don't have the context behind this.

I believe a guild can do this as long as it's in the realm of "Role Play" and in the VO game. We can see this post has stuck within the game and guild politics. While this post in my opinion gives ONE a bad name (making people publicly apologize) As long as it's done in the realm within VO I THINK it's ok. That's how I see it.

Up to us as players to hold ONE responsible and this is another intentional example of how much power ONE has.
Jun 25, 2022 IToken link
Exactly the point. Role play within the game is one thing but bullying someone so much they are being humiliated in the real world is not on.

I suggest people read the code of conduct

When boundaries get pushed it doesn’t take long before someone exceeds them and creates a new norm.

@Incarnate This has exceeded the boundaries.
Jun 25, 2022 Luxen link
This is one guild's member apologizing to another guild. guild politics like this are not IRL harassment and bullying. In order to become that, actual IRL interaction is required; this remains between game characters, and is considered Role Play.
Jun 25, 2022 IToken link
Total bullshit.

This is humiliation outside the game.

If an employee of a company forced someone to do this on social media they would be fired for bullying.

It needs to stop now before views like yours make it acceptable.

Go back and read the code of conduct or do you think it is just there for lip service?
Jun 25, 2022 Whistler link
The Rules of Conduct state:

"You may not harass others.

Harassment is defined as specifically targeting another player or group of players to harm or inconvenience them. As harassment can take many forms, the Guide involved will make a determination as to whether or not a "reasonable person" would feel harassed and act accordingly.

In my opinion, this thread began as appropriate and on-topic roleplay and only began to become off-topic when the complaints began. This is not harassment, bullying, or humiliation outside the game as is alleged - because guilds are not real and do not exist outside of the game. This forum is for roleplaying and is also not outside the game. If there were threats of doxing or some other IRL element that would have been a clear violation. This thread is just inter-guild politics roleplay.

So now two guides have made the same determination as to whether or not a "reasonable person" would feel harassed and have acted accordingly in choosing to take no action. Of note: 99Assassin99 has not made a complaint. We have considered your opinion, IToken, but disagree with your perception of the rules. Please let it go now.
Jun 25, 2022 SilverAce link
I've always been a very strong advocate of "role play" and it's importance to VO and other games and outside of online games as an artistic and intellectual exercise. Some people have difficulty understanding what role play is.

Role play is the act of creating a concept of a character that is not real, and attempting to emulate the expected behavior of that character in the realm designated for it.. in this case the game VO is the realm for this expression to exist. It is essentially childish "pretending" but among other persons it takes a much deeper and complex nature, allowing people to create characters that are meant to reflect the best and worst of human nature.

Role play is "Art".. the greatest expressions of the "art" of role play are those where the artist, (actual real player) is able to emulate a character concept that has a particular familiarity culturally to other participants in the realm of it's application (VO). The greater the artistic talents have created characters that inspire other character types by other artists.

One such role play artist is known as JakP. Through voice chat we are able to interact with the actual person behind several in game characters. I won't ruin the artistic value of the other characters this person has created by exposing them, but rather I'll just laugh as I watch him emulate other characters properly based on "who those characters are supposed to be"... because he's talented at it, and i truly enjoy and appreciate a great expression of art.

This original post is simply the complimentary artistic expression created by another participant in the realm that this software company has created for role play. What you are reading here is the interaction of one person's created "character" to another person's created "character" and it is not meant to represent an interaction between the artist on real terms. One character is being expressed as it should be, the other character is reacting as it should be... no "real people" are effected by the interaction, other than the stimulation of the minds of 2 artists who must continue to try to "dream up" how these character concepts are supposed to interact with one another.

JakP the character in VO is supposed to be a bullish warmonger who is racist against Itani and wants Serco to rule and dominate the universe ruthlessly. The player behind this character has executed the role play so flawlessly that many other players have developed characters for the purpose of extending this same artistic expression. I myself have created one, and enjoy very much playing the character from time to time and do attempt to emulate proper behavior for the character as do many others.

Subsequently this creates the possibility of creating a character that is meant to "rebel" and "fail" against this other character... and we see this in the original post, where the supposed character "AzureFoxxo" tried to resist the bullish JakP but wasn't strong enough to do it alone, and had to yeild publicly to "save his own life".. it's like a novel unfolding in real time, a novel written by multiple authors who each choose to write the story of an individual in the novel.

I know that these concepts are difficult for some players to understand because it seems foreign to them.. the same way that some people might look at a painting that appears "ugly" and not understand why someone else would pay thousands of dollars for it... it's because "someone else" appreciates how well the artist depicted "ugly" perhaps..

If this original post seems like bullying or harassment between real people, please consider first that it is in the "Role Play" forum.. Any thing posted here is supposed to be interactions between artistically rendered characters and not real people. The players behind these characters are not apologizing to each other, nor bullying each other, nor yeilding to each other.. they are in fact feeding into each other's art. What AzureFoxx (the character) has done here is actually artistically beautiful IMO.. he has built onto the beloved character JakP by creating also a character that plays the victim role. ... and his expression has been brilliant enough that it caused IToken to respond here in his defense but he responded "out of character" in the role playing forum. This is equivalent to a person watching a movie at a theater and being so moved by the character in the movie that he/she cries or shouts out in anger... the character is fake, the expression is fake, but the art is emotionally moving to the viewer as intended.

I would like to thank the moderators for recognizing the difference, and the artist for creating emotionally moving characters that stay true to form. I hope that many others become inspired by these character interactions and experiment in the realm of role play art on their own!
Jun 25, 2022 Whistler link
I have removed some toxic or otherwise unnecessarily provocative posts from this thread.

I see that IToken's last post that he was going to take it up with Incarnate was removed. If I did this it was inadvertent.
Jun 25, 2022 SkinWalker link

La Familia takes great offense that the Itani known as iToken seeks to publicly humiliate our ally ONE and their commander, JakP.

Since iToken is already KOS with FAMY for his collusion with those that would do us harm, we've no choice but to place AzureFox on our KOS list until iToken apologizes for his insult. And offers FAMY 10 million credits as compensation for pain and suffering.

Jun 26, 2022 death456 link
"Since iToken is already KOS with FAMY for his collusion with those that would do us harm, we've no choice but to place AzureFox on our KOS list until iToken apologizes for his insult."- SkinWalker

The VO universe balances its self out. XD

Anyways I agree this has been solely an RP matter. In the realm of guild politics. To a completely normal person it looks like Azure has no spine and ONE are bullies :P This only reinforces the VO perception of ONE as bullies. What is this supposed to do? Scare ITAN? XD? Show that ONE is more united then everyone else? XD

There are many people who will come out of the woodwork when the opportunity comes to tell ONE thy aren't so big and powerful.... or alone.. Itani's will endure if deneb is any indicator of that. At least we don't demand our people publicly humiliate themselves.

So who's next to kneel to ONE? Ain't going to be me
Jun 26, 2022 TheRedSpy link
I will never get bored of these posts.