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Quick comparison of the three nation's government. (Itani POV) aaronund's statement brought up many good points.
There was a good discussion on 100 on how Evil Incarnate (A Serco) views the UIT people we had seen for many years the Serco harassment of the neutrals in the dome wars long after the Ark left SOL II to be carrying the last of the Itani. It spiraled to a comparison of the governments with what kinds of liberty a person gets in Itani/Serco/UIT
The Sercos I personally believe are a communist militarist nation that values strength above all. They have little freedom of choice or opportunities to start their own business and flourish and so on. Their freedom of speech and highly controlled and regulated by the state. If they are critical of the state and even in their own short comings it has many implications among other Sercos, you would be perceived as weak if you died to an Itani or even survived an Itani attack.
The Itani's have plenty of more freedoms in each of the 3 regions of Itani Space. We look at inner perfection and the pursuit of science. Were Serco's fall in science matters (spatial anomalies, quantum theory, even WH theory) They make up in their remarkable engineering as we see with their deadliest fighters the SVG and Prometheus. And vice versa with the Itani
UIT played an instrumental role in forming this current struggle between Itani/Serco. I personally think the next major weapon or advance in VO will come from UIT's well-funded corporations and departments. I will also assume the UIT are a peaceful nation if we infer all the way back on why they were natural in the first wars. They were mistreated by the Sercos for years. Harassing them and even bombing domes for fun. Have the UIT forgotten? We don't know.
I would also like to add I wish I saw more backbone in regard to UIT security and neutrality. It's more common than not I will see a UIT with positive Serco standing. It saddens me the Serco's "insisted" to have the UIT into submission for access to greyspace that is not even that good or a guarantee of safety! UIT's should leverage their space more with the current mechanics a UIT squad can easily take out Serco's and Itani agents in their space. With the main questions being, "Do the UIT carry vengeance for their abuse to their domes when their ancestors lived?" "Does corporate UIT value Itani technology or Serco engineering more?" There are some inferences were UIT's were super ecstatic about access to Itani technology. And even UIT's scamming the Sercos in the first trades with incomplete blueprints and data.
As an Itani I think the UIT are valued friends. We have yet to make many deals and collaborate to mutually make a profit off of our findings. Serco's might see UIT as evil greedy people but necessary to trade with strategically. And the UIT are still looking for investments for the long term; until they do, they will continue to profit off the current war. -TLDR
There was a good discussion on 100 on how Evil Incarnate (A Serco) views the UIT people we had seen for many years the Serco harassment of the neutrals in the dome wars long after the Ark left SOL II to be carrying the last of the Itani. It spiraled to a comparison of the governments with what kinds of liberty a person gets in Itani/Serco/UIT
The Sercos I personally believe are a communist militarist nation that values strength above all. They have little freedom of choice or opportunities to start their own business and flourish and so on. Their freedom of speech and highly controlled and regulated by the state. If they are critical of the state and even in their own short comings it has many implications among other Sercos, you would be perceived as weak if you died to an Itani or even survived an Itani attack.
The Itani's have plenty of more freedoms in each of the 3 regions of Itani Space. We look at inner perfection and the pursuit of science. Were Serco's fall in science matters (spatial anomalies, quantum theory, even WH theory) They make up in their remarkable engineering as we see with their deadliest fighters the SVG and Prometheus. And vice versa with the Itani
UIT played an instrumental role in forming this current struggle between Itani/Serco. I personally think the next major weapon or advance in VO will come from UIT's well-funded corporations and departments. I will also assume the UIT are a peaceful nation if we infer all the way back on why they were natural in the first wars. They were mistreated by the Sercos for years. Harassing them and even bombing domes for fun. Have the UIT forgotten? We don't know.
I would also like to add I wish I saw more backbone in regard to UIT security and neutrality. It's more common than not I will see a UIT with positive Serco standing. It saddens me the Serco's "insisted" to have the UIT into submission for access to greyspace that is not even that good or a guarantee of safety! UIT's should leverage their space more with the current mechanics a UIT squad can easily take out Serco's and Itani agents in their space. With the main questions being, "Do the UIT carry vengeance for their abuse to their domes when their ancestors lived?" "Does corporate UIT value Itani technology or Serco engineering more?" There are some inferences were UIT's were super ecstatic about access to Itani technology. And even UIT's scamming the Sercos in the first trades with incomplete blueprints and data.
As an Itani I think the UIT are valued friends. We have yet to make many deals and collaborate to mutually make a profit off of our findings. Serco's might see UIT as evil greedy people but necessary to trade with strategically. And the UIT are still looking for investments for the long term; until they do, they will continue to profit off the current war. -TLDR
I can't fathom being a pawn for the Serco State Media. I think for myself and look at all sides of the issue with opinion included.
scuffed didn't read. Only serco POV counts. For the dominion!