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Serco help station access policy

Jan 23, 2022 Jaks link
For over the past two years we've had members of a certain trade guild asking why we didn't charge access for stations. We figured were were doing a good thing (TM) not charging. After events this past week, we are taking their advice and transitioning to fee for service platform. The fees will be 200k a week.

For bookkeeping purposes, each week will be tracked by week number. There will be no discount for a short week if someone buys at the end of the week, so plan accordingly. There is a 200k discount if you buy five weeks at a time. This means: five weeks = 800k. This is the largest block of time you can purchase at once.

Please contact a ONE staff member in the last 72 hours of your purchased block of time to reup.

As always: you need +200 Serco standing unless special arrangements are made.
Jan 23, 2022 Jaks link
Wow, my brain must be fried after working on stuff all today. I meant to title this: Serco Held Station Access Policy
Jan 24, 2022 Whistler link
I can't fix titles, but if you want to post it again with the right title, I'll delete this thread.
Jan 31, 2022 demnicat link
Jakp is wanting help with his policies can someone assist him

Jan 31, 2022 greenwall link
huge thanks for ONE taking on this responsibility!!
Feb 02, 2022 Lord~spidey link
*picks up a stiff yet deceptively short poking instrument and waves it in the direction of the scum hive*