Forums » Role Playing

Violation of Dueling Rules

Feb 04, 2004 SirCamps link
First of all, realize that this is all within the context of roleplaying.

I was dueling * in sector 9 when Thargoid entered the sector. I let him know that * and I were dueling.

(In case you are new, it has been universally acknowledged, even by Icarus and Phoenix, that two dueling players are to be left alone.)

Thargoid killed * and refused to pay him back. He later offered the rational of "it's a beta, I'm bugtesting." (lame)

I would ask you all to kill Thargoid because of these violation of dueling rules.
Feb 04, 2004 Forum Moderator link
That IS lame. I suggest that duelers quietly pick a distant location at which to duel. There are some very quiet sectors.
Feb 04, 2004 Phoenix_I link
Done and Done. Dueling is sacred, and even I won't violate it.
Feb 04, 2004 roguelazer link
Affirmative, that violates the "Dueling Provision" of Amendment II of the New Itani Constitution, the "Lamenesses" section.
Feb 04, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
SDF will hunt down and destroy any Duel Violators

Several prime sectors for duels:

8 (for a challenge, those bots can give the duelers some entertainment)
any sector 40<
and 9

Of course in any sector, you run the risk of being shot at my some lame char being a jerk.
Feb 04, 2004 raine link
Says the same person who once said "I neither duel nor honor duels"
Feb 04, 2004 Spider link
There is a special joy in duels, wether it is to the death, fist hit, or practice ones between both same-nation as cross-nation players.

Few times are as relaxing as when you have the chance to beat a fully armed ragnarok with a small bomber, or yet the pleasures of blasting a faster, more agile ship with your medium-class bomber.

Feb 04, 2004 electric27 link
10 is great for dueling. Usually empty, lots of roids for variety...
Feb 05, 2004 alienb1212 link
2004-02-04 17:06:05 Phoenix_I
Done and Done. Dueling is sacred, and even I won't violate it.

Feb 05, 2004 Magus link
Double posted for double emphasis alienb?
Feb 05, 2004 toshiro link
suggestion for the not-so-near future:
blatantly plagiarize from jedi knight: 2 and rip off the duel status there:
players engaged in a duel cannot be harmed by or harm other players.
make it so that they cannot leave the sector or dock while engaged in the duel.
duel status can only be disengaged by mutual agreement of both parties envolved or death of one party engaged in the duel.
this sounds like a hassle to implement, though (what with new bugs and so on).
Feb 05, 2004 Phoenix_I link
Or have a special sector for dueling, no one can hurt each other there, unless they both agree to a duel, and only those 2 people can hurt each other.
Feb 05, 2004 Archon link
W00! Thargoid will die before my hand.. again, and again, and again! Hrr harr!
He can run, and he can hide, but not forever! Hahrrrhrr!
Feb 05, 2004 DR link
once again... any special sector where people cannot hurt eachother others can use to hide in

tosh, i liked your idea for the duel thing... it always worked well in JK2

Feb 05, 2004 SirCamps link
alienb this is not a place to post trolls. Take it somewhere else *sun comes up and turns troll to stone* thanks for not replying, Phoenix.

Anyways, Raine, different characters of mine duel or don't duel. SF1 is an "on-duty" character and does not duel. My gold character acts differently, and was in the middle of training/dueling * in the art of the rail gun. Give it a rest, this thread is not about me, or Phoenix, or alienb, but about "Thargoid," who refuses to honor duels. Thanks for hunting him.
Feb 07, 2004 paedric link
Troll is actually used in the maritime/fishing sense, as in trolling for fish. You know, throw your net out and see what you catch. Just a bit of useless trivia to lighten the mood. 0:-)
Feb 09, 2004 UncleDave link
Thargoid is no pilot, he is but an amateur. Always watch your radar, if you see him closing in, break off from your duel and attack. If you know your opponent, he will probably do the same.

If everyone does this, he will get the message.
Feb 09, 2004 lunitary link
he should get the message by reading this thread...
Feb 09, 2004 SirCamps link
He's hunted enough. If we just get some people who might coordinate and mine spacedocks, we'd do well.

Oh people, start practicing in tri-rail Valks, those will eat him alive.
Feb 09, 2004 Magus link
The single-flare 2x rail valk is leathal. The flares knock fighters around and makes them stall long enough to rail them. Not really fair.