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The Grey
LOGIN: CrayonsOnly
Well now, I haven't sat in this seat in years. With the memory of a goldfish, I knew, I was in trouble. I wasn't even acclimated with my station info when the comms rang out. Some Yada Yada about who is Crayons and pay up or die. This took zero time to understand. A warmth engulfed me that can only be achieved with eminent death looming just outside the dock. Space is just as I remember. Adapt or die. This pilots tag was Kenny something. For reference in this log he'll be Jenny from here on out.
Now, My VO ambassador isn't a bad person, per say, they just have spent a lot of time in the saddle. Space is harsh. The more straightforward the pilot on the coms usually is an indicator on how fast they will stop listening and just murder you. This is business. Just the way I like it. Jenny, was very helpful. They wanted 500k for safe passage out of Grey. Looking at my pathetic 180k I knew one of two things was happening. Either, Jenny, was trying to extort me with unreal prices or I was poorer than the family that shares a sweater.
Either way, Grey meant I was available to be murdered. I had to find a way to refresh my skills if I wanted to keep my stuff. I decided to take the starter classes provided by VO with an alias. CrayonsOnly$. Nobody will recognize this. No way to know it's me. I learned simple flight then waited. I knew Jenny had to sleep. I felt the time was right to test the water and sent out an offer of 100k for help getting back to Sol.
Adewold, answered the call. He flew out to my station in Grey and held my hand like a parent would a child learning to walk. Took eight million years to dock with his super sexy, humongous ship. The patience of Adewold was astonishing. We spent hours making trips. I didn't even know how to pay them. When I asked they said, "No need to pay me. Fly safe." What in the actual giant F just happened?! A Saint in hell? A god among pilots? I had to know. I asked if I could pay so that I felt like I did something. I was then informed that the capital to be made was far greater than my current funds. Looks like it's my turn to wear the sweater. Thank you, Adewold.
All setup in Sol and everything cataloged and documented. Jumped in my Warthog (Miner) and went to fight some DenTech bots and mine. I was instantly blown to bits. They knew I was there from 1.5k out....dang. Dieing taught me that a lot has changed. I can't even fly that ship until I earn rank. Rank?! Well.....we grind.
I still have a Rag though. I was trying to learn equipment and what not. When I removed my gear to check different load outs, I found that I couldn't even use that anymore. Once it came off it needed a license to use. Basically, I am brand new again. Bombing runs are out. Don't even know how to hit them from farther than 1.5k out. Lots to learn.
I decided after a dozen quests and logging to see if quest would fail or stick till I had time to return and killing as many bots as i could, I decided to navigate a free ship to Grey. Most of the good stuff is out here. Free ships and nutonian physics makes this possible. Get blowed up, get back out there. I am currently looking for a home base that allows an auto-buy after death. I'm also dealing with my new plugins and everyday adds a new challenge. I may just shuffle back to Sol and grind some rank for a bit. Seems a lot of good stuff opens up quickly. I dread the late license options. I also paid my dues so i don't have to deal with Crystal.
This has been my first few days back. I look forward to a journey through space with you pilots. o7
Well now, I haven't sat in this seat in years. With the memory of a goldfish, I knew, I was in trouble. I wasn't even acclimated with my station info when the comms rang out. Some Yada Yada about who is Crayons and pay up or die. This took zero time to understand. A warmth engulfed me that can only be achieved with eminent death looming just outside the dock. Space is just as I remember. Adapt or die. This pilots tag was Kenny something. For reference in this log he'll be Jenny from here on out.
Now, My VO ambassador isn't a bad person, per say, they just have spent a lot of time in the saddle. Space is harsh. The more straightforward the pilot on the coms usually is an indicator on how fast they will stop listening and just murder you. This is business. Just the way I like it. Jenny, was very helpful. They wanted 500k for safe passage out of Grey. Looking at my pathetic 180k I knew one of two things was happening. Either, Jenny, was trying to extort me with unreal prices or I was poorer than the family that shares a sweater.
Either way, Grey meant I was available to be murdered. I had to find a way to refresh my skills if I wanted to keep my stuff. I decided to take the starter classes provided by VO with an alias. CrayonsOnly$. Nobody will recognize this. No way to know it's me. I learned simple flight then waited. I knew Jenny had to sleep. I felt the time was right to test the water and sent out an offer of 100k for help getting back to Sol.
Adewold, answered the call. He flew out to my station in Grey and held my hand like a parent would a child learning to walk. Took eight million years to dock with his super sexy, humongous ship. The patience of Adewold was astonishing. We spent hours making trips. I didn't even know how to pay them. When I asked they said, "No need to pay me. Fly safe." What in the actual giant F just happened?! A Saint in hell? A god among pilots? I had to know. I asked if I could pay so that I felt like I did something. I was then informed that the capital to be made was far greater than my current funds. Looks like it's my turn to wear the sweater. Thank you, Adewold.
All setup in Sol and everything cataloged and documented. Jumped in my Warthog (Miner) and went to fight some DenTech bots and mine. I was instantly blown to bits. They knew I was there from 1.5k out....dang. Dieing taught me that a lot has changed. I can't even fly that ship until I earn rank. Rank?! Well.....we grind.
I still have a Rag though. I was trying to learn equipment and what not. When I removed my gear to check different load outs, I found that I couldn't even use that anymore. Once it came off it needed a license to use. Basically, I am brand new again. Bombing runs are out. Don't even know how to hit them from farther than 1.5k out. Lots to learn.
I decided after a dozen quests and logging to see if quest would fail or stick till I had time to return and killing as many bots as i could, I decided to navigate a free ship to Grey. Most of the good stuff is out here. Free ships and nutonian physics makes this possible. Get blowed up, get back out there. I am currently looking for a home base that allows an auto-buy after death. I'm also dealing with my new plugins and everyday adds a new challenge. I may just shuffle back to Sol and grind some rank for a bit. Seems a lot of good stuff opens up quickly. I dread the late license options. I also paid my dues so i don't have to deal with Crystal.
This has been my first few days back. I look forward to a journey through space with you pilots. o7
'Blows thick layer of dust off of RP forums'
Looking forward to more.
Don't feel that you have to write as much each time - just keep a regular cadence.
Don't feel that you have to write as much each time - just keep a regular cadence.
CK - Crimson Knights
Getting in my old rust bucket isn't such a struggle these days. I am flying the Warthog IV. Mission after mission has raised my licenses quit a bit. I should be in a Prom sometime today. The idea of that makes everything just a bit more exciting. Learning to fly was a struggle. Sitting on a tablet and having to push so many buttons at once pushed my old hands some. I found myself struggling after Dentek Collectors. I could wipe them out with zero struggle. Then the training options took a jump and wanted me to murder TyCorp Assaults. These bad boys would run up on me and blast me into oblivion. Strafing in one direction wasn't enough. Strafing in two directions wasn't enough. Holding full reverse was too much. Distance lost was extremely faster than distance gained. This became my first struggle. Learning distance and what these alien weapons could do.
After what felt like an eternity I had my moment. I had graduated to Hive Skirmishes by this time. Foe after foe, task after task. I have learned that I can rotate on my axis while controlling speed or strafing in one direction or two while maintaining distance. I was a leaf on the wind.
Another target, just a Hive bot. Forty left on the ticker. This bot was tailed by one of the little tiny ones. The one shot kills that add up faster than a bot can calculate profit. I was already in orbit around the target. A fat, Sepio Guardian. Slow, hard hitting bugger. I started my full reverse just to increase the time my maneuver took to execute, I mean, I can't outrun this guy in reverse. Rolled slightly to my right and pushed everything into a forty-five degree degree thrust. A slight adjustment on my nose and BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM the perfectly timed shots from the Devastator II rang out. Felt like I had to punch this one in the face a lot more than usual. On the last shot I was at maximum distance of my weaponry and fired.....this sweet ball of devastation took out the bloated bot and the little ship behind it! By my eyes, I took two birds with one stone. Felt good. Bots I understand.
PVP is another story. So far I've had a couple of encounters with pirates. Nothing unusual or even trollish. Got caught in grey and instead of fighting i decided to see how far I could run. I believe in an Atlas I could get away. Infinite turbo a turret and a large mine launcher seems like it might do the trick. Still have some testing later. I also was jumped on by FAMY. Seems they have a vendetta against CK. The Corp I just so happened to join. I don't mind. Death is just a part of space. I am waiting till after the move before I devote myself to PVP. I need to be able to handle all PVE situations first. If I can't kill a bot....I can't kill a player.
I joined a Corp called the Crimson Knights. At the time I joined it was ran by a pilot named DovahQueen. I am unsure what exactly happened but it was enough to call it quits for Dovah. She needed a break just shortly after my joining. Well, that put us in a position. Do we disband? What about the Bank? I have spent time in space with a core group of people that carried the initiative before. I feel starting a new Corp would be terrible. The other members where already ahead of me. We decided to have a complete restructure. Dovah left us a Discord and a Serco Corp to work with. Not a bad start.
We decided on three of us meeting and voting on our plans. All votes must be unanimous. We waited a week to have our first meeting. It went extremely well. I believe we are all on the same path.
CK - RP goals: The Crimson Knights will be a pve Corp based on helping new players with a future goal of stocking up supplies for new players to access. We wish to retain as much of the player base as possible by sharing knowledge and creating a feeling of camaraderie by having Corp events.
Rashis Pretoran - Guild Bank
JadeNinja - Public Relations
CrayonsOnly - Secretary
Getting in my old rust bucket isn't such a struggle these days. I am flying the Warthog IV. Mission after mission has raised my licenses quit a bit. I should be in a Prom sometime today. The idea of that makes everything just a bit more exciting. Learning to fly was a struggle. Sitting on a tablet and having to push so many buttons at once pushed my old hands some. I found myself struggling after Dentek Collectors. I could wipe them out with zero struggle. Then the training options took a jump and wanted me to murder TyCorp Assaults. These bad boys would run up on me and blast me into oblivion. Strafing in one direction wasn't enough. Strafing in two directions wasn't enough. Holding full reverse was too much. Distance lost was extremely faster than distance gained. This became my first struggle. Learning distance and what these alien weapons could do.
After what felt like an eternity I had my moment. I had graduated to Hive Skirmishes by this time. Foe after foe, task after task. I have learned that I can rotate on my axis while controlling speed or strafing in one direction or two while maintaining distance. I was a leaf on the wind.
Another target, just a Hive bot. Forty left on the ticker. This bot was tailed by one of the little tiny ones. The one shot kills that add up faster than a bot can calculate profit. I was already in orbit around the target. A fat, Sepio Guardian. Slow, hard hitting bugger. I started my full reverse just to increase the time my maneuver took to execute, I mean, I can't outrun this guy in reverse. Rolled slightly to my right and pushed everything into a forty-five degree degree thrust. A slight adjustment on my nose and BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM the perfectly timed shots from the Devastator II rang out. Felt like I had to punch this one in the face a lot more than usual. On the last shot I was at maximum distance of my weaponry and fired.....this sweet ball of devastation took out the bloated bot and the little ship behind it! By my eyes, I took two birds with one stone. Felt good. Bots I understand.
PVP is another story. So far I've had a couple of encounters with pirates. Nothing unusual or even trollish. Got caught in grey and instead of fighting i decided to see how far I could run. I believe in an Atlas I could get away. Infinite turbo a turret and a large mine launcher seems like it might do the trick. Still have some testing later. I also was jumped on by FAMY. Seems they have a vendetta against CK. The Corp I just so happened to join. I don't mind. Death is just a part of space. I am waiting till after the move before I devote myself to PVP. I need to be able to handle all PVE situations first. If I can't kill a bot....I can't kill a player.
I joined a Corp called the Crimson Knights. At the time I joined it was ran by a pilot named DovahQueen. I am unsure what exactly happened but it was enough to call it quits for Dovah. She needed a break just shortly after my joining. Well, that put us in a position. Do we disband? What about the Bank? I have spent time in space with a core group of people that carried the initiative before. I feel starting a new Corp would be terrible. The other members where already ahead of me. We decided to have a complete restructure. Dovah left us a Discord and a Serco Corp to work with. Not a bad start.
We decided on three of us meeting and voting on our plans. All votes must be unanimous. We waited a week to have our first meeting. It went extremely well. I believe we are all on the same path.
CK - RP goals: The Crimson Knights will be a pve Corp based on helping new players with a future goal of stocking up supplies for new players to access. We wish to retain as much of the player base as possible by sharing knowledge and creating a feeling of camaraderie by having Corp events.
Rashis Pretoran - Guild Bank
JadeNinja - Public Relations
CrayonsOnly - Secretary