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Synopsis of Corporate Sector Run 2/29/4448

Feb 29, 2020 Luxen link
TL;DR The pirates won after an hour of destruction.

So, we had a CSR tonight, with 4 racers and 3 pirates. Lots of pews, I tell ya.

Our racers were - how far they made it
- Ghostface Killah - Odia
- Blighty - Odia
- VeXeD - Sedina
- KraZy Xc Pilot (and his gunner alt Kz262) - Bractus

and our pirates were
- Archeron - 10 kills
- xDraenor Matrix - 6 kills
- Mr. Whale - 1 kill

Holy cow Arch got blood thirsty tonight! Him and xDraenor together halted our racers with a hard limit on Odia, except when KraZy brought his gunner out, but even that didnt buy him all that much time. As such, no pilots won the premium key, but the pirates made bank!

Thanks a bunch for attending, guys - And keep an eye out for the next one! Open TeamDX begins in June, but you'll have more CSR events before then!~
Feb 29, 2020 Bobsin link
Sounds like a good time was had by most. :D
Mar 01, 2020 xDraenoRx link
YARRR!!! Em racers didn't pay so i found other ways to get paid, by killing em! Good event Luxen.