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Banned on discord

Apr 15, 2019 danstr link
Hey, bill gates/danstr here. Been a while, heh. I'm enquiring about being banned from the VO discord, which I only sorta found out... Today. I've been told why, and, well, I don't remember posting that (though I'm not gonna deny it, since my memory isn't that great.) Is there a way for me to be allowed back in or am I up the creek?

Many thanks, Dan

Oh and let me know if I'm in the wrong category, it may look like it's only four months since I was last around but realistically, it was a lot longer.
Apr 15, 2019 Luxen link
Yeah - use a support ticket ;)
Apr 15, 2019 danstr link
Also forgot they existed. Whoops.
Apr 16, 2019 yodaofborg link
Are you sure you got banned? Looks like you never asked for access to me.
Apr 16, 2019 Whistler link
Incarnate resolved this.