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SDF enforcing new policies

Jan 16, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Exactly, although with their skills I doubt its a fair fight!

I dont doubt that pirates arent going to "play fair" but I sure as hell are going to try and make them at least have a shred or honor. Currently they are just cutthroats that need to be terminated.

I am hoping that a Multination Fleet can work closely together to eliminate the continued threat presented by greifers and pirates and restore at least part of the past greatness to the galaxy.
Jan 16, 2004 Impartial link
black 1 stfu sound like hitler :P
Jan 16, 2004 spectre_c_me link
is it me or does anyone and everyone get annoyed and argue with each other these days?


.... peace... what a wonderful and fake word...
Jan 16, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Hello, after some time, the SDF has grown weary of the never ending piracy and greifing in the game/test. Thus, the SDF will be attempting to take some political and physical action against offenders.

Pirates and Greifers caught any SDF member are KoS to the SDF and the SDF Commander (whomever that is at the time) has authority to authorize KoS status for that pirate or greifer to the entire fleet.

The SDF will also be placing CROSS-NATION sanctions and using multination fleets to stop piracy and greifing. The mutlination fleets will best be used to eleiminate pirates as 2 non-allied nations of the offender will be present instead of possibly no craft that have destroy power.

I call for the NTs, and the Itani Nation to stand behind the SDFs anti-piracy movement. Let us work together to cleanse the galaxy of the terrorists that plague it. Let us work together to restore the safety or our newbs and traders. Let us kill the Pirates and Greifers among us!
Jan 16, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
I sound not like Hitler, I want peace, I want everyone to exist without having constant flame wars.

I want things like the UN wants them. No flaming but battles, clean and fair to continue. The SDF will do what we can to make this happen, but of course, the SDF cant do this alone. I hope that those who can help and those who want a good galaxy, to step forwards and help the SDF make the flaming go away.
Jan 16, 2004 Impartial link
i've noticed that lately. i'm trying not to argue but negotiate. well not even negotiate but just reason. no more trashtalking for me.
Jan 16, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
I will not trashtalk you either, we're both civilized human beings, lets act like it I say.
Jan 16, 2004 Impartial link
agreed. there that should make a lot of people happy. if black 1 and i can be descent to each other than anyone can ;) see ya in space

-SM- Serotonin
Jan 16, 2004 mastacrasha911 link
hell if Black 1 and Serotonin can get along and 01 and Serco Fighter 1 can get along, SERIOUSLY WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE? yeah you know who you are ;)
Jan 16, 2004 Impartial link
eehhhhhum,mmmmmAKAmmmm cough*****
Jan 16, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Espicially if me and Serotonin can get along. 2 days ago we were at each others throats trying to ban each I think we must've flushed it out of our systems or something
Jan 16, 2004 zamzx zik link
oy! goo for killing pies! errr...PIRATES!
Jan 16, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Can someone translate that? Please?
Jan 16, 2004 Impartial link
burp.....anyone want a beer?
Jan 16, 2004 SirCamps link
"I want things like the UN wants them... battles, clean and fair to continue."

/me dies laughing

Seriously, if your survival is at stake, what inclination do you have to fight fair?

"You mean, I'll put down my sword, and you'll put down your rock, and we'll both try and kill each other like civilized men?"
Jan 17, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
The serco defence force is now an improper name.

The name implies that they will defend serconians, yet it is now multi-nationed.
Jan 17, 2004 LordViking link
Quote: spectre_c_me
"is it me or does anyone and everyone get annoyed and argue with each other these days?
.... peace... what a wonderful and fake word..."

The only person that seems to start arguments is Impartial/Serotonin...

And to the SDF: Maybe I can finally make some money.
Oh and to Impartial: Calling someone a Hitler is very offensive, not just to the person accused, but those whose family was affected. I am only second generation American, and the memory of the Holocaust and facism is still very present in my family's conciousness. And it is not funny. OH, and could the Forum Moderater please ban the following letters: S, T, F and U.
Jan 17, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Could we all make an effort to let people learn from their mistakes and move on? This constant rehashing and grudging is getting pretty old and tired. MOVE ON.

oh, and:

[moved to role-playing]
Jan 17, 2004 Forum Moderator link
[flamebait removed]

move ON
Jan 17, 2004 Archon link
What the..? Stop pirating? You wish.
I will take great pleasure in blowing this new squad to hell. Hrr harrrr hrrrrr!
*evil grin*