Forums » Role Playing
New... Looking for a Guild
Im new and I haven't been gaming in a while. Im getting back in hard core, so im looking for a fulltime, no nonsense Guild/Clan, possibly multi gamed, but serious. Let me know if you have room for me. 07
Welcome! Role Playing might be a better forum to post to for this.
I may suggest joining TRI. Its nuetral and peaceful guild. No enemies. After you settle and know more guild that may suit your style you may move.
We're all "neutral" at this point. TRI gets shot like the rest.
Same with hive, though im sure hive is more neutral in some aspects (we dont do station takes nor defend)
You could also try #DIE its a great starter guild and youd get a great head start with many interactions throughout space, doinging booms and stuffs.
And (AQLA) declared war on us (TRI) members for the alleged stealing of 1.1b credits from the (AQLA) guild bank...
lol wut
Does AQLA even have a billion?
Does AQLA even have a billion?
That was VOIDs bank and it failed.
Years ago...
Years ago...
AQLA's current bank balance is 267350000 credits. But maybe they had 1.4 bil at one point and TRI stole it? lol
Seems like the topic of this was "looking for a guild". We're off that, so locking.