Forums » Role Playing


Jan 02, 2004 Xorbital link
Katarn shall be known as "it".
Please remember this or suffer the consequences!
Jan 02, 2004 crazydeb8r link
Okay Kat..."it"
Jan 02, 2004 SirCamps link
she's a cool it
Jan 02, 2004 roguelazer link
Do I even want to know?
Jan 03, 2004 paedric link
probably not.
Jan 03, 2004 Archon link
It.. it? Naaaah! I'll keep calling you "he". eheh.
If you want me to stop, make me! Hrr hrr hrr.
Jan 03, 2004 lunitary link
Why dont you adopt the name "thing"?
Jan 03, 2004 electric27 link
Wouldn't there be some sort of trademark violation if it did?
Jan 06, 2004 LordViking link
I'll call Katarn, Zorbmodflurgding!
Jan 06, 2004 crazydeb8r link

Jan 07, 2004 ahdinh2 link

when is "it" gonna be on?
Jan 07, 2004 Xorbital link
Been there; done that. It was on!!!

...but "A.K.A"????? wha?? You must have it mistaken for some other being.
Jan 08, 2004 SirCamps link
he didn't mean to put quotes around AKA's name. it should have been:

Jan 08, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
AKA = Also Known As
AKA = Auxiliary Cargo Attack
Jan 08, 2004 lunitary link
AKA = Auxiliary Cargo Attack?
where did the Cargo come from?

/me is puzzled...
Jan 08, 2004 roguelazer link
It's Auxilary Kamakazi Attack
Jan 08, 2004 Sheean link

AKA = Austria's King Attacks!
AKA = Australian Koala Alert
AKA = A Korean Axe
AKA = Appels Koken Altijd (nl -> en: Apples Always Boil)
AKA = Alles Kan Anders (nl -> en: Everything Can be bone Differently)
AKA = Alle Kippen Aanvallen (nl -> en: All Chickens Attack (or: Attack All Chickens)
AKA = Apen Kunnen Alles (nl -> en: Monkeys Can do Everything)
AKA = Aanmelden Kan Altijd (nl -> en: you Can Always Apply)

Dutch has much more words beginning with a 'K' ;)
Jan 08, 2004 Pyro link
AKA..........Also Known As
AKA..........Above Knee Amputation
AKA..........Alpha Kappa Alpha
AKA..........American Kennel Association
AKA..........American Killifish Association
AKA..........American Kitefliers Association
AKA..........Another Known Alias
AKA..........Attack Cargo Ship (Auxiliary, Cargo, Attack)

Jan 08, 2004 HumpyThePenguin link
Another Kosher Adolf...

/me whistles
Jan 08, 2004 Xorbital link
Hmmph, I need to /alias it "me" somehow