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Have you heard the good news.
Well I have good news for you! God is real.
In the beginning there was BOAT, and with BOAT all great and good things existed freely. Beer, chaos and funny recruitment adverts were abundant during this time. All were KOS in the eyes of the lord, and all given a chance to serve as his disciple. After long the children of BOAT had grown too comfortable shooting behemoths and basking in the glory of the lord. Our god Chumboat abandoned those who had become lazy and drifted too from the original purpose
This lead to a time of inactivity. During what we now know as the "Age of Laziness" The disciples began abandoning the virtues of flying while drunk, shooting strangers and constantly spamming 100 and began flocking to the false prophets of "real life", "Piracy" and "Nationalism" which in turn left a void (cough) in membership. As time went on the problem only became worse and soon there were only a few, then a couple, and then one.
One day Chumboat will return to judge us for our misdeeds, pray to him and he may forgive
In the beginning there was BOAT, and with BOAT all great and good things existed freely. Beer, chaos and funny recruitment adverts were abundant during this time. All were KOS in the eyes of the lord, and all given a chance to serve as his disciple. After long the children of BOAT had grown too comfortable shooting behemoths and basking in the glory of the lord. Our god Chumboat abandoned those who had become lazy and drifted too from the original purpose
This lead to a time of inactivity. During what we now know as the "Age of Laziness" The disciples began abandoning the virtues of flying while drunk, shooting strangers and constantly spamming 100 and began flocking to the false prophets of "real life", "Piracy" and "Nationalism" which in turn left a void (cough) in membership. As time went on the problem only became worse and soon there were only a few, then a couple, and then one.
One day Chumboat will return to judge us for our misdeeds, pray to him and he may forgive
I take it Chumboat has a son he's willing to sacrifice to forgive BOAT's sins?
No Chumboat has only prophets, anyone who claims to be his child is lying and should be thrown off a building.
I heard Chumboat already returned, saw the current state of affairs within BOAT, and thought "BOAT, man... whatever..."
...then left to resume masterba, er... whatever he was doing beforehand.
[BOAT]. Because other guilds have standards.
...then left to resume masterba, er... whatever he was doing beforehand.
[BOAT]. Because other guilds have standards.
I was reading this while Russia's national anthem was playing in the background. I wasn't disappointed.