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#Office of Strategic Services: Press Releases

Nov 30, 2017 H.Hornblower link

To: UIT Senate Commercialization and Securities Committee

From: OSS Magistrate H.Hornblower

Subject: Multi-Domain Market Report

Four weeks into our Commercialization of the Pelatus system I can report access to capital holdings as an average time span of twelve hours daily and one thirty-hour period during peak traffic. Utilizing a base three man operating team, we have expanded Commercialization efforts to the Inuebis Station and both adjoining wormholes.

These efforts led to the neutralization of three capital ships belonging to pilots from the exclusion group. Readiness deficiencies prevented a follow-on liquidation, but future Standard Operating Procedures are being developed to address this concern. Despite that, our agents and operatives have observed a drop-off of exclusionary group activity in this area of operations.

All major, and some minor guilds have been provided access to capital holdings. Either via an unsolicited granting of privileges, or direct via communication with active pilots for guilds with close relations to guilds within the exclusionary group. One guild in particular continues to offer professional resistance to our exploitation of capital assets, but in what can be described as a perfunctory manner.

Moving forward the Office of Strategic Services looks forward to the addition of veteran pilot Mahayana to the Pelatus team. He has extensive experience with the seizure of capital holdings and is currently in the process of recertification. Feasibility studies suggest opportunity for expansion to other multi-domain markets and the full staffing of our Pelatus team will allow for that flexibility.