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Sadses Days of the Dirty 'oRe
In other news, supposed 'do gooder' "Dirty 'ore" teamed up with the @X scumbag Miao Hidan in a failed gank attempt!
We needs to put this bad man into the jailhouse before he hurts himself!
We needs to put this bad man into the jailhouse before he hurts himself!
Lol dirty ran from my x1 last night to run and get a SCp lolz
Explain your layout please. Very co. Dirty ores attitude seems just as bad as his skills
layout? You mean HUD setup or weapons?
Yes. And is the bottom row the original hud?
The only major modification to the HUD is the oldhud plugin, so yes
I'm a pretty "slow" dude. You mind explaing the buttons via list?
FA: Flight assist
AF:Auto fire
FA: Flight assist
AF:Auto fire
Is this the same noob that shot my trade ship full of cargo and then refused to fight me afterward? Goddamn right i got a bad attitude!!
Suck it! XD
Real talk tho, yer order has been processed!
Suck it! XD
Real talk tho, yer order has been processed!
Link to the store please - i'd totally buy that. Closest thing to VO merch we've got.
Make VO Merch Great Again!!!!
What about this Eldunari. you tell me the buttons. and ill show you how to set your autofire as a chainfire. aka none of that extra buttons.
GamingFOReel, there are several available ways to set chainfire, whether it be through plugins, alias scripts, or just equiping certain weapons. I dont think its any secret only you can share ;)
ik but eldunari doesn't seem to know yet shhh lol
Considering you probably don't even know what half of the buttons on the right hand side do, I wouldn't jump to conclusions so early about what I do or do not know about VO
Lua Errors seem to pop up every time I combine the oldHud plug with DB, how did you manage to add yours?
If you're getting an LUA error, then it's probably because you're using the condensed mobile HUD, not the standard HUD.
P.s. options>advanced>interface near the bottom is a "use condensed HUD" checkbox. Turn it off. Its not really needed on larger devices.
I did turn it off, still threw lua errors after which the HUD and UI disappeared.
And I thought I was the only person to use oldhud! Oh well. And yeah, really? AngelOfLagAbuseSpinningWhileWarping calling out anyone? Surely you meant this for funny quotes thread?