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May 21, 2017 Luxen link
While I had no intention of hosting TeamDX8 on the 20th, Scared Star decided to master the event (yet disappeared for Match 2, so I took over for it (~grumbles~)). We had a sizeable amount of people show up throughout the night, though.

Luxen's POV
Barktooth's POV
Scared Star's POV

Ill amend the links when their POVs have been uploaded.

The members this week consisted of:
Scared Star
Kyon Enyif
Wooja JoRed
Itani Monk
buzz killington
Mr. Wigglesworth
Flying Baxter
May 21, 2017 Luxen link
I think we will start being more aggresive to how late people can join a match during the team selection process, and I may try using a team randomizer instead during nights that are especially rowdy.

Also, yes, I am aware half of the video ended up being match 3's fight between Scared Star and Myself. We are pretty evenly matched...