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Serco/NT Matter - Traitors

Dec 20, 2003 SirCamps link
It has come to my attention that the SDF (Serco Defense Force) has taken to funding Phoenix to the tune of 600,000 credits in exchange for nonhostility. I would like to make known to NT that the SDF are no longer part of our treaty and may be attacked without fear of retaliation on my part. Other Serco pilots may support this and say so.

It is rather ironic that the nation we are trying to defeat is being funded _by our own pilots_ in exchange for protection. This is going to stop now, and SDF will learn the painful lesson of what happens to traitors.

May the SDF blood spill thickly.
Dec 20, 2003 Archon link
Aye! My jaw fell to the floor when [SDF] 01 informed us today, while we were attacking Phoenix, that he could not assist, because he and his guild had a "kinda truce" with Phoenix, which involved the payment of 600.000cr to one of our nations worst enemies. An enemy we are breaking our backs trying to keep from pirating and griefing our newbies.

Who are they to call themselves a DEFENSE wing, paying our enemies?
Neutrals! Itani, even! You have my blessing! Grief those pathetic traders to ****.
Dec 20, 2003 ahdinh2 link
uh... whatever
Dec 20, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
We are currently doing this funding (I wont deny it;s happening) to a trial basis of two weeks. The treaty protects all SDF pilots and there escorted craft from pirate harm by Pheonix making trade safer. If he enters s12 we are allowed to kill him mercilessly. At the 2 weeks mark we shall see the condition and decide then whether to keep the treaty. the SDF felt that this would protect newbs from being pirated and also help traders make they're runs without being blasted. perhaps this was a mistake...we will review at the two week mark and get back to you then.

As for now...we have only paid a total sum of 200k to him for the trial period. At the end of the two weeks I;d rather have NT and Serco allies rather than 1 Itani ally. I apologize. The treaty will probably not be renewed.

I also wish to point out that the SDF has HELD this treaty together through the Rydell Incident and others...without the SDF the treaty would've collapsed long ago. We seem to be the only ones STOPPING sercos from killing and pirating the NTs

As of now...there will be no renewal of the treaty at the 2 week mark. PERIOD. We apoligze and will anounce it publicly in a few hours

Dec 20, 2003 CrazySpence link
wuss, Can't even stand by you own descisions and gotta back peddle like mad
Dec 20, 2003 Pyro link
>.< What's better? Peace or war?
Dec 20, 2003 DR link
going downhill fast...
Dec 21, 2003 Archon link
[SDF] 01 said you paid Phoenix 600,000 credits, and Phoenix confirmed it.
... and how would paying one of the worst piratess/griefers ever help our newbies?
The treaty will help YOU, the SDF, nobody else, and least the newbies of our nation.

No less than 16 Itani Valkyries, fully equipped, can Phoenix buy for the money you paid him. What do you think he will do with those Valkyries? Just cruise peacefully around, saying "hello" to the newbies of our nation (and those of the gold nation, for that matter) and helping them out if in trouble?
Dec 21, 2003 SirCamps link
I heard 600k from the SDF, 400k from Phoenix, and then 600k from Phoenix, and now "only" 200k from Pyroman. Which is it?

We seem to be the only ones STOPPING sercos from killing and pirating the NTs

And just *how* do you do that, since you can't harm the damn losers?

I want to know when this treaty is expired, I will continue to hunt SDF members until it is expired and SDF actively starts hunting Phoenix.

Last night, Bacix Tenra stole an Itani Valkyrie with Itani-tuned sensors and attacked an SDF convoy with Sam II, who thought he was an Itani.

Before being overwhelmed by several seeker swarms, Bacix killed four ragnaroks and three hornets. Let's total the cost:

3 Rags: 27k
3 Hornets: 21k
7 medium engines: 25.2k
7 fast ch. batts: 32.2k
2*2 swarms: 32.4k <- two rags with 2 swarms
2*3 gauss: 13.2k <- two rags with 3 gauss
2*2 stingrays: 12.8k <- two rags with two homers
2*3 heaters: 13.2k <- two rags with 3 heaters
Total cost: 177,000 credits

Note, this was not counting the loadout of the three hornets, because I didn't notice what they were using.

The four SDF members were 01, Padro, Impartial, and FingerOfGod. Sam II was with me in the sector but didn't get any kills during the time that I was active (he died though).

My costs:

1 Itani Valkyrie: 30k
1 Fast batt: 4.6k
1 Heavy eng: 4.0k
3 flares: 5.4k
Total: 44,000 credits

I would like to note that this was a brief encounter that lasted maybe 10 minutes at the most. What will end up being more costly, offending the Serco nation or being vulnerable to one Itani pirate? Can you afford 1:7 losses? Will it be worth it? Think hard about this.
Dec 21, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
The figure that 01 mentioned is incorrect as I personnally transfered the funds. 200k was paid. The initial request for 600k was turned down and we talked him down to 200k for a 2 week trial period. 200,000c were transfered from the [SDF] BankHauler to Pheonix's craft inside sector 11.

The treaty was ended yesterday as many could tell you and I temporarily resigned my position as SDF High Commander pending an investigation by the SDF and anyone else into my actions.

I apologize to the Sercos and the NTs that Pheonix has greifed with any of the craft he buys with that 200k,.

I also request that you dont hold the SDF as a whole responsible. I request you hold ME responsible as it was I that accepted the proposal. I will accept responsibilities for my actions.

I also wish that you would let the SDF back into the Archon Agreement as we will never again consider making treaties with the hostile forces and espicially the most dangerous criminal in the known universe.

Consider the treaty over with and the SDF will begin to actively hunt Pheonix as soon as we get at least 2 pilots ingame.

[SDF] Black 1
Dec 21, 2003 SirCamps link
Understood. I will likewise cease targeting SDF targets, save for one, 01, who has shown the highest contempt and was publicly chatting with Phoenix about Phoenix's specifically targeting me. As one of the few Serco that make it a point to counter him, I am highly offended that another Serco (ignoring the business we just completed about SDF) would ask Phoenix to target me.

[SDF] 01 stays on the list until disciplined or court-martialed by SDF.
Dec 21, 2003 SirCamps link
NVM that. I just got killed by Archimande for no reason. SDF don't have clemency.
Dec 21, 2003 SirCamps link
NVM that. Clemency still up. Found out who Archimande was (*COUGH*PHOENIX*COUGH*).

01 is still targeted. Never met a man so intent on alienating Serco's only hope.
Dec 21, 2003 Urza link
trust me camps, i made it up later to the tune of 2 rags and 4 hornets.
Dec 21, 2003 SirCamps link
very nice! :D
Dec 21, 2003 Phoenix_I link
I do believe its spelled Archimonde.

And lets count how many times I've killed YOU SirCamps. Lets see....higher than 10? yes, higher than 20? maybe around 30 times, mostly in valks, so a fully outloaded valk is a bout 50k, your costs total 1.5 million.

"SDFs will actively hunt Phoenix"? heh, guess the treaties over, and you're fair game now, Bye Bye, Unless i get paid, one billion credits. Thankyou, that is all.
Dec 21, 2003 SirCamps link
Phoenix is in Any official word on that, Pyroman?

Phoenix, we can't prove permanent stats, I could say I've killed you 50 times, the vast majority in fully loaded valks, so 2,200,000 credits for you. :P
Dec 22, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
A list of SDF Pilots that AREN'T actual SDFs:

Pink 03
LENNY (defect)
FingerOfGod (defect)
Padro (defect)
Impartial (defect)

Officer's listed as (defect) are permitted to return to their previous positions since they are currently not playing as SDFs but have done nothing to upset the SDF Command. Pink 03 is a spy account that should be destroyed on site and Phoenix is well, take a guess. 01 is of course no longer with the SDF so he is fair game as well.

That is the official word of the SDF Command

[SDF] Black 1
Dec 22, 2003 SirCamps link
Don't forget Phoenix's char, Archimonde.
Dec 23, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
List updated