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Today's Dueling Incident

Dec 18, 2003 SirCamps link
!!Breaking News!! The Self-Proclaimed "Greatest Pilot Ever" Was Humbled By an Unassuming NT Pilot Today!!

Sector 5 (AP) - In a stunning defeat for the Itani pilot Phoenix, he was gunned down by the Neutral Territories ace Asp in a structured duel today.

Having given himself the title of "Greatest Pilot Ever," Phoenix duped many pilots into betting for him, including Furball (NT), who bet 5-1 odds on Phoenix via the IRC bot.

While Asp managed to score the kill that imploded Phoenix's Valkyrie, it was a narrow won victory. Asp reported a hull integrity reading of under 20% when the duel was concluded.

However, Phoenix contested the results of the duel saying that he "doesn't use [G]auss anyways," and suggested that they have a rematch--in stock government-issued EC-88's. It was later decided that the EC-88's were to be souped up with after-factory additions.

Unfortunately, the "rematch" duel could not be held due to the actions of a certain Serco pilot whose callsign is "Serco Fighter 1." Apparently Phoenix was on the bad side of this individual, and he refused to let Phoenix's EC-88 out of the station.

Asp, at that point, retired to his bunk for the evening.

Final Results:

Asp - 1

Phoenix - 0

(Valkyrie ships were armed with three Gauss cannons.)

Bacix Tenra is a freelance writer who roams the galaxy in an illegal Itani Valkyrie. When not improving his Sunflare aiming capabilities, he is known to write about his escapades and those of others.
Dec 18, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
Yay! Someone finally manages to beat Pheonix.

The man the legend, he once took on upto 12 SDFs, 6DefBots, and 2 PPs (Private Pilots) to manage a solo-cap.

However the SDF managed to foil teh escape attempt in s5 after Pheonixes ship imploded when pilot [SDF] Black 2 laid a SunFlare Rocket down on Pheonix's small Valk hull.

[SDF] Black 1 is the Commanding Officer or the SDF and is in the habit of roaming the universe in one of his three illegal Itani Valkyries or his NT Marauder-class Freighter.
Dec 18, 2003 Eldrad link
Wait... I kill pheonix all the time.
Dec 19, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Actually it isnt fair, phoenix is a gunner type, he loves rockets.

So it had to be a duel with rockets, not gausses.

PS: so if it would have been asp in a valk tripple gauss and phoanix in a valk tripple sun. Then it would have been slightly more fair since phoenix when he says that he is the best, uses sunflares.

Dec 19, 2003 Archon link
"Yay! Someone finally manages to beat Pheonix."

Uh... like nobody has before. Huh.
Dec 19, 2003 Pyro link
/me == Pyro
Pyroman_Ace == Pyroman_Ace
Dieeee... :P
Dec 19, 2003 SirCamps link
Pyro, may I suggest that you go over your "article" and check for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. :)

Rene, if Phoenix is the "best," then he should be the best, regardless of the circumstances. If he is only the "best" with Sunflares, he should say so with some humility (I would challenge that notion, anyways). However, saying that you're "the greatest pilot ever" is quite foolish if you only can win under optimum circumstances.
Dec 19, 2003 Forum Moderator link
With the exception of the first post, this is NOT role-playing.
Dec 19, 2003 furball link
would just like to point out that I meant to give 5 - 1 odds AGAINST phoenix. :)

Also, point out that Phoenix did say he was the best pilot ever. Asp pointed out that he and a number of others are able to routinely kill Phoenix in a energy duel... there was some argument over which weapon to use until finally Phoenix chose the gauss.

If anyone would like to see the IRC logs please let me know and I can post em.
Dec 19, 2003 Forum Moderator link
Okay this is not appropriate. Please take it to another site.
