Forums » Role Playing

Itani Nation Military- Recruitment

Nov 22, 2003 Forum Moderator link

Perhaps I am on bad terms with you, but you are not on bad terms with me. I am unable to delete posts at the moment, but the locking function is working. I locked the other thread because it was getting out of hand and I had no other way to rectify it. Your rant and false bravado at the beginning of this thread was pointless as I have made no move to prevent you from having this thread.

That said: ctishman et al - you have crossed over from role-playing to rudeness. Please knock it off.
Nov 22, 2003 ctishman link
Understood, FM.
Nov 22, 2003 fenix link
arr, sorry FM, I can't edit those posts, they come up as blank, and don't save the record....
Nov 21, 2003 roguelazer link
This topic is re-opened. The sercos came in, made fun of us and the mod said it was roll-playing. We said get out. They said no. We made fun of them and the topic was locked. But it was a worthwhile topic, so it's reopened. And I will continue to do this as long as it keeps getting locked. Posts that were not spammy will be moved here.
Nov 21, 2003 roguelazer link

The Itani Nation Council is now accepting applications for acceptance into the Itani Nation Military. All Itani are welcome to apply; we accept all Itani no matter the skill level or how long you have been playing.

We offer training to all our recruits if they need it or wish it in any area of vendetta.

Join us and help make the community of Vendetta a better place for all.

If you are interested in joining the Itani Nation Military and are an Itani yourself, then please send an email to remember to include your characters name in your email. Also any other chars you would use for Itani Nation Military, or that we may recognize and you wish us to know.

Nov 21, 2003 roguelazer link

Enlisting as an Itani Piliot, flying the big ships =)
Nov 21, 2003 roguelazer link

I will protect the Itani, there have been too many flag caps and people randomly shooting at me not to do so...

Nov 21, 2003 roguelazer link
If you are interested in joining the Itani Nation Military and are an Itani yourself, then please send an email to remember to include your characters name in your email. Also any other chars you would use for Itani Nation Military, or that we may recognize and you wish us to know

Nov 21, 2003 furball link

HI guys! :)
Nov 21, 2003 ctishman link

I'm interested in joining the Itani Nation Military as an explosives expert stationed aboard a troopship. Can that be arranged?
Nov 21, 2003 Sheean link
The Itani Nation Military does seems to be getting quite popular... plenty of people are joining in :)