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The Vendetta Chronicle Returns

Nov 20, 2003 SiliconX link
Well, I the VC has still been kept alive by Rougelazer (Thank you!), so it itself isn't returning, but I am! The original sole writer and starter of the VC.

I plan to get things more organized and such. First starting off with getting a site and possibly forum. Currently I would like to have a phpBB forum or something, but I can't host it myself. Roguelazer may, but if he can't, then whoever would offer to host one can post here. If no one can, it won't be the end of the world, as I can just go with ezboard. The site also is in need, but Roguelazer may also be able to do that as well.

Second and most important issue is writers. I would like the VC to be published on more coorosponding days, but to do that we need more writers which will stick around. Currently, as far as I know, I have myself and Rogue. If anyone else would like to start writing for the VC on a continuing basis, then sign up and I'll see to it you'll get a salary (per article). If you would like to write an article or two, but not "forever", then feel free to write one up and e-mail to Roguelazer or I. No payment will be offered for donated articles.

Lastly, I would like to know if anyone has any suggestions. Either to improve what we have, or an idea for a new thing we could include in the paper. Suggestions like these will not go to the "Letters to the Editor", however, but instead will simply be e-mail to Rogue or I. I do strongly urge you to write us something which we could put in "Letters to the Editor", as that is somewhat lacking in content at the moment.

And though this newcomer, the Venndeta-TIMES, has challanged our position, we will NEVER yield! We will grind them into the dust and spit their ruin into the sea and and.... and... I drank too much coffee. ;-)

I guess that about wraps it up for now. Issue #11 will be out soon, with my first article in 5 months or so!

Nov 20, 2003 ctishman link
SiliconX Wrote:

And though this newcomer, the Venndeta-TIMES, has challanged our position, we will NEVER yield! We will grind them into the dust and spit their ruin into the sea and and.... and... I drank too much coffee. ;-)


Ah! Your bravery shows through! Do not attempt to disguise your warrior spirit beneath false modesty!

I will act as a correspondant for the Serco Dominion, embedded with the space calvalry, if I may. I shall report goings on within the dominion, and perhaps contribute an opinion piece or two!
Nov 20, 2003 SiliconX link
That would be great. I need high-level correspondants in each nation. I could call myself one for gold, but I'd still like another. And I'll need one for the Itani (besides Roguelazer).

Can I have your e-mail? So if I have any questions I need to ask I can send you a note? Getting on AIM would be easiest, and being on Vendetta.
Nov 20, 2003 ctishman link
email: ctishman at (REMOVETHIS) mac dot com

aim: docfur83 (don't ask. Just don't ask.)