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The CRAZYdebaters

Nov 29, 2003 crazydeb8r link

We'll just debate something dumber.

Contact me ingame as Hitania.
Nov 27, 2003 toshiro link
*cuts the targeting mechanism cables*
sheesh, pyroman, could you be a little more subtle? like sticking plastic explosives to their ship and blowing em up then? of course, you don't have to clean the room, but think of the maintenance crews. bloodstains on carpets are so hard to get out, tch!
Nov 27, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
/me puts in the snap together Hard wood floor and points out that the Cables are repaired and are now hard wired for proximity fire. Anything inside 5 Feet gets blasted.

Toshiro, I got an F in subtle. I prefer a Hammer when a Scapel is what is needed. And now with the Hardwood floors, all they need is a mop!


/me adds the forgotten piece. The BoomBox with Ride Of The Valkyries playing constatly in a loop.
Nov 25, 2003 Celkan link
o.O dear lord... what are you guys smoking...

According to the translation team's efforts, your chosen signs mean:

3: ____ ____ ____ ____ -utra

6: -ankoki

8: Cha Weapons ____

15: Caution! Asteroids here! (read middle top bottom)

If you have any questions on GTS/Waylonics, feel free to contact our player experts at #vendetta-waylonics on

Verdandi, Linguist
Nov 25, 2003 Forum Moderator link
Oh you and your facts.
Nov 25, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
I'm sorry, I really am, but aren't we over analyzing this a little? I mean, if it was meant to be wide knowledge what Waylonics read then they would be in normal human languages (English, Spanish, French, etc.) right?
I just dont understand why people do this to Waylonics and everything else.

Pyro_Ace (Gold Nation)
Nov 25, 2003 ctishman link
For the Halibut, Pyroman_Ace, for the Halibut.
Nov 26, 2003 Zeph link
Im not going to make any joke about debating in mass.
Nov 26, 2003 Celkan link
Don't debate what the signs say. We KNOW for certain what most of them say. Debate the shape of the ships and stations, or the location of a particular wormhole or asteroid. Something inane, in other words.

Nov 26, 2003 Pyro link
Verd, the point of this is to ignore the actual meaning of the signs. We don't care what the translation is, we're just having some fun with them.

/me puts up a sign labelled "no facts allowed" :P
Nov 26, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
/me puts AAGT (Automated Advanced Gatlin Turrets) around the room so if anybody should utter one fact, (pump action shotgun cocking sound)


PS: I stand by what I said about overanalizing this. The signs clearly aren't supposed to matter to the majority of players so therefore...they're fun to fly through though!!

PSS: That Itani Block in the middle of the Red and Blue, means you guys are getting double teamed! SERCO FOREVER!!
Nov 24, 2003 crazydeb8r link
Excellent work. Now I'd like to analyze this:

This is simpler than the other, representing the need to use the bathroom. The yellow represents the urgency in his head and feet as he searches for the appropriate facilities to relieve himself, while the red represents the urgency in his bladder.
Nov 24, 2003 ctishman link
The bottom portion of that sign represents the last thought in his head: washing his hands afterwards.
Nov 24, 2003 Pyro link
The top portion of the sign represents a toilet paper roll holding, signifying that he needed to empty his large intestine also.
Nov 19, 2003 crazydeb8r link
Heh. I figured I would create a philisophical guild by my namesake, we sit and ponder the deepest meanings of the vendetta universe, and WAY over think everything so we can come to a deeply philisophical meaning about it. If you'd like in, contact me via any of the numerous ways you can, and I'll explain it.

But here's the idea for those who want instant gratification:

We pick a feature of the vendetta universe. In this example I am going to use this waylonic:

Now it is clear from this that the author is attempting to show his fear and anxiety at the immesnity of the universe (The 6 vertical bars), while at the same time showing the total lack of trust in the governments therein (The charcters inside the sets of bars). The creator's lack of strength is shown (The bars are like a prision), as is his philosophy of an open ended life (no bars on the top or bottom).

We'll write several of these, and then publish them in various forms.

Participation in this society will not interfere with any guild memberships.

Nov 19, 2003 SirCamps link
Nov 19, 2003 Magus link
But. . .we already have the Serco Monks to wax idiotic.
Nov 19, 2003 romikq link
I think the word Monks is unnecessary in that sentence:)
Nov 20, 2003 SiliconX link

As you can clearly see from this inscription, the creator is obviously under much stress (the characters in a horizontal pattern) as he is being tormented and stressed (the blocks being on top and bottom) by his 3 personallities (the three colored blocks). It demonstrates his inner conflict with himself.

This is one is most interesting. It seems to be showing the author's contempt for someone otherwise considered on an equal level with him. Perhaps a close relative. He is showing how even though both are in the sun's rays, the other is lower and on a darker beam, and smaller size. While he is the brighter beam, higher, and larger. It could also be the other way aroundm possibly of him angered at someone thinking himself superior.
Nov 20, 2003 Pyro link

Note the colors used in this picture. As Silicon said, they represent stress. However, the three colors indicate the Itani Nation, the Serco Dominion, and the Neutral Territories. Using these colors, the creator shows his frustration at the constant fighting between the Itani Nation and the Serco Dominion. The positioning of the yellow block between the red and blue blocks displays how the Neutral Territories is on neither side.