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List of the Ambassadorss in the CD v2.0

Nov 11, 2003 Durgia link
I believe Romirez was appointed to be the Ambassador from the Itani Council.
Nov 11, 2003 romikq link
yeah, toshiro, I can be reached at either or on IRC

(I am Romirez BTW)
Nov 12, 2003 toshiro link
thank you for letting me know.
list changes amended.
Nov 12, 2003 spectre_c_me link
lol well that is interesting....


yeah i still dont know who you are but thats ok, cant know everybody, lol
Nov 04, 2003 toshiro link
Verdandi (other names omitted)(Aesir League)
DefenseShip 4 (other names omitted)(Defense Ship)
Cargo Reclamation Unit 11 (other names omitted) (Cargo Reclamation Units)
Serco Monk #1 (other names omitted) (Serco Monks)
Roguelazer ((other names omitted) (Vendetta Pilots Against Imperialism)
Romirez (other names omitted) (Itani Nation Council)
toshiro (other names omitted) (Corps Diplomatique)
this list will be updated whenever there are changes.
please respect the diplomat state they have when in a meeting (not outside of it, so far... members of the CD (Corps Diplomatique) will have to make a CD char or stay on the one they joined with, as long as attending a meeting)

on a sidenote: one player can NOT hold multiple positions in the CD. i.e. once you've acquired the position of a diplomat for one nation/faction/guild, you can't be the same for another one of these (the idea is to prevent conflicts of interests).
Nov 04, 2003 Durgia link
hmmm I thought ss dropped out of the Syn
Nov 04, 2003 toshiro link