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Attention Golds, Please Read!

Dec 03, 2003 Radix link
"Neutrality rules!"

That made me think of that Futurama episode with the gray people that were called 'neutrals' and there station is going to blow and they say :" go to baige alert" and one of them says " tell my wife i said, hello." HAHAH. Anywho a member of the Gold nation, I believe that some structure would be nice, but i also think that it is our lack of rigidity that sets us apart from Serco or Itani.
Oct 30, 2003 fenix link
In light of the Itani's forming a solid government, I feel we shouldnt be left behind. Is anyone interested in forming a Neutral Military/Government? Or perhaps a corporation-style leadership?
Oct 30, 2003 Dagger link
The game has no support for governments yet! They never work out...
you have no idea how many unsuccessful elections I have seen.

The closest we get to a council (yet) are the most respected players within each
nation, as these players' advices are most often followed.

- arc.
Oct 30, 2003 fenix link
Actually, a lot of the gold players work together more than any other nation I've seen...
Oct 30, 2003 Durgia link
just want to add one point(or two)

the Itani Nation Military and the Itani Nation Council are not a government.

second good for you Fenix...its nice seeing somebody else trying to better the community. Unlike some people that would rather sit around and do aboslutely nothing and then blame game features for the bad community.
Oct 30, 2003 Arolte link
Neutrals don't need a government. They work together just fine. It's been this way since 3.0.x. Also, the fact that it's labeled as "neutral" also seems to suggest that everyone is either freelancing or is in their own private faction. I'd hate to see yet another nation with political agendas. Neutrality rules!

Also, I too agree that governments won't work unless... a) officials are fully committed to fulfilling their duties, b) officials have the time, and c) it's officially implemented in the game (i.e. distinction between regular players and gov't officials, taxation, voting, salaries, law enforcement, etc.)
Oct 30, 2003 fenix link
Well, I'd like to be in an active and working government, if Neutral cant/wont facilitate, then it's time for a switch I suppose...
Oct 30, 2003 Arolte link
There you go. I still have doubts whether any nation could really pull it off successfully though. It may be a while (if at all) before we see a simulated gov't system that'll work with Vendetta. But I guess I can't blame people for trying. Some players just want to get more involved with the game and have more meaning attached to their actions. I suppose once more roles (mining, military, etc.) and actual missions are fully implemented, we'll be plenty busy by then.
Oct 30, 2003 Magus link
Im not sure about having a focused serious government that assigns roles, etc. It just seems to me like a logistical nightmare, and it doesn't have much of a function. An organized militia, however, one that keeps track of scouting and intelligence, and orchestrates large attacks would be necessary. I would support coming up with a heirarchy for a militia, but I just don't understand what purpose a general government would take other than training newbies, which could just as easily be done by good samaritans or as a branch of militia activities.

Note, we don't have a military. We use a militia or willing and able-bodied men and women.
Oct 30, 2003 Arolte link
An official guild system is being developed for Vendetta, I believe. I think that's where militias would fit in.
Oct 30, 2003 toshiro link
please note that an organized militia takes a huge logistic effort to realize and maintain over onger periods of time.
unless you introduce martial law and some sort of military government, i don't see how a military alone could work out of free willl.
Oct 31, 2003 Magus link
We already work pretty much like an organized militia for combat purposes. Formalizing it would only help us create a heirarchy so we know whose orders to follow.

I guess my main point is, I just don't understand what a centralized government does at this point in time. Organizing a military for defense and training newbies is the only function I can think of. I suppose if we get our logistics together we can use a government as an economic force in a dynamic economy by telling traders where to go to maximize profits and control prices, institute embargoes, etc. But conducting something like that requires intense micromanagement and and vast, well maintained communication network of informants that is active 24/7. Just does not seem reasonable. The only governmental functions I can imagine are military and perhaps a centralized national bank.

On a side note, perhaps we should move the particulars of this discussion over to The site has been dead for some time now though.
Oct 31, 2003 water451 link
I'll (devnull) support it.
Oct 31, 2003 spectre_c_me link
hey i already asked if the nuetral team wanted to try it out and see how it goes apparently i dint recieve that so well:

/team s? ????? "heck no, we are more like a militia rather than an army"
/team s? invisiblish one "well i was just wondering, course i have to ask how many versions has the gold team won?"

i left it at that, though if im not mistaken, Magus i think it was you who told me that you dint want to have an govt. like the itani...

either way the itani are just preparing for the govt. that will prolly be instituted with the guilds. it wouldnt hurt the nuetrals to try and use this. though if it failed (like so many people suspect it to do so) then people may become discouraged from creating a govt. guild

just my opinion on this: i would be willing to try it, i think i made that clear with my comments on the itani govt. thread

Oct 31, 2003 Magus link
"i left it at that, though if im not mistaken, Magus i think it was you who told me that you dint want to have an govt. like the itani..."
-Yes, that was me. I may warm to the idea of a government if someone could convince me of a purpose for it.
Oct 31, 2003 Skyfox link
I'm all for forming a military. I see no need for a government at this time, but a military would be a good thing.
Oct 31, 2003 Magus link
Not a military, a well regulated militia. There is a difference, although it is mostly idealogical.
Nov 01, 2003 UncleDave link
Anarchy is better atm- better to earn respect than expect it because of a position.
Nov 01, 2003 spectre_c_me link
i dont get respect anways so it wouldnt do much good to try and earn respect anyways. if i got respect from position, then i would drop the position, no point in having a position if you are only being followed cause people follow the position not the player.

IMO of course


EDIT: yes a well organized militia wouldnt be a bad thing but its getting the militia to always be supportive of each other and not get mad at each other.

ex: A and B are part of the militia. A goes to another char for the itani and gets killed by B. B meant it out of fun but A dint take it that way. next time A and B are needed in a militia defense they may not work well together cause they hold a grudge to 1 another.

1 more thing: dont tell me players dont play like that cause we all have played like that. some more than others

/me uses himself as an example