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How To Stay in the DSG's Good Graces

Oct 28, 2003 Magus link
You said: "The repeated killing of a pilot with relenting.

I think you meant "without relenting" since relenting would no longer make them a greifer.
Oct 29, 2003 ctishman link
In the interest of clarity, that should probably be:

I think you meant "without relenting" since relenting would make them no longer a greifer.
Oct 28, 2003 SirCamps link
Disclaimer: If your post is going to be "stfu who cares about you" or any other similar comment that asserts the irrelevance of the DSG, save it and start your own thread. This is me talking about the guild and answering questions, not debating the guild's importance.

That said, I'll continue:

The DSG was formed with the purpose of fighting criminal activity, which includes, but is not limited to, piracy and griefing. Now, many definitions of both exist, so I will give you my definitions of both.

Piracy - The act of coercing a ship into dropping its cargo, whether through verbal ("Drop your cargo or I'll kill you") or physical (shooting up the craft until it stops or is destroyed) means.

Griefing - The repeated killing of a pilot without relenting and not offering a means of escape to said pilot. This includes station-camping, as well as chasing them down from sector to sector.*

* This does not describe the DSG's KoS list, because we offer a means of escape (restitution to the offended party, whether it be the DSG itself [attacking a DS pilot] or another player [killing a neutral pilot]).

I'm assuming that the rampant "griefing" that goes on now will largely disappear after the reset.

How to avoid being listed as a pirate? Well, don't pirate. If we see you stealing cargo, you're gonna get zapped. This one is a no-brainer. If the cargo isn't yours, don't take it. If you see it in a sector, ask whose it is. If no one responds, its up for grabs and then you can claim it.

How to avoid griefing? Don't grief back at a player. I am not saying that you don't have a right to self-defense. I'm saying to limit vengeance. If Player A griefs Player B, and Player B gets a lucky shot and kills Player A, forcing Player A to spend the last of his money on a ship, and Player A loses his last ship, Player B should not attack and kill Player A's bus trying to get to his home sector. Self-defense is one thing, retributive violence is another. The DSG will largely leave fights alone until someone asks for help.

If someone asks for help, they would have to prove that the other pilot is griefing/pirating them. If it's disputed, or the DS pilot knows that the alleged griefer/pirate does not grief nor pirate, he should leave the fight alone.

Note that the DS will not be an ally to be enlisted to help win a fight. We allow our jurisdiction to extend as far as traders--not combatants. We seek to fight those that would interfere with the honest trader, not the pilot getting involved in nasty fights then complaining that he starts losing. You attack at your own risk, grief at your own peril, and take your cash account into your hands when you pirate.
Oct 28, 2003 zamzx zik link
Oct 28, 2003 SNUFFALUFFAGUS link
Can I join you guys?
Oct 28, 2003 SirCamps link
Snuf, please cruise on over to, and post in the Vendetta General forum about wanting to join (feel free to register). List all your in-game characters so that we can contact you in-game. List how you would benefit the guild, and list applicable skills apart from combat (do you know how to design sites? are you a good negotiator? do you keep your temper in hot situations?), and acquaint yourself with the mission of the DSG Constitution (available main site > documents). We'll consider your application and contact you for an in-game skills test (note: it's not one of those wimpy "kill a 350 bot" type of tests, you'll be qualifying against either myself or Archon). Thanks for your interest.
Oct 28, 2003 Pyro link
Ooo... A qualifying test against you... Thats a b*tch of a test...
Oct 28, 2003 Magus link
"Griefing - The repeated killing of a pilot [b]withOUT[/b] relenting and not offering a means of escape to said pilot. This includes station-camping, as well as chasing them down from sector to sector.*"

Oct 28, 2003 SirCamps link
What Magus?
Oct 29, 2003 SirCamps link
Yeah yeah yeah, fixed.