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VT Information
The Vendetta TIMES has been delayed (again).
We need more writers. Good writers. Please drop me a mail at
The forums are up tho... check 'em out. (URL to be changed shortly to
- archon, editor of the Vendetta-TIMES.
Note: I feel this is related to Vendetta (it's a newspaper 'bout it, so…).
I therefore post it in General. Feel free to move it if you wish, FM.
We need more writers. Good writers. Please drop me a mail at
The forums are up tho... check 'em out. (URL to be changed shortly to
- archon, editor of the Vendetta-TIMES.
Note: I feel this is related to Vendetta (it's a newspaper 'bout it, so…).
I therefore post it in General. Feel free to move it if you wish, FM.
I think Role-Playing might be a better spot.
[moved to Role Playing]
[moved to Role Playing]
the Vendetta TIMES is cool.
Thank you Nalar.
I know... :P
- arc.
I know... :P
- arc.
The V-C has wiped and is wiping the floor with you guys, you know...
You wish.. just wait 'til the first issue of the VT comes out, you.
Hahahahahaha... mwhahahhaa!
- arc.
Hahahahahaha... mwhahahhaa!
- arc.
Whoever has the most up-to-date "Most Wanted" gets my vote.
I do. I've always had such. I use BB's info and normal info.
Now, go write for me! Please?
Now, go write for me! Please?