Forums » Role Playing

Whatever happened to IN-SAS

Sep 25, 2003 Dagger link
Since I came here (early in 3.1), I have seen only one In-Sas member online,
and that member was a real n00bie -

Isn't it "Special Armed Services"? I thought there were SOME
requirements to join. There should be.

Get your dusty In-SAS characters out! Use 'em!
It would be fun blasting Itani "Special Armed Services" to hell, too.

- Archon.
Sep 25, 2003 toshiro link
yes, i would also like to contact the IN-SaS to have them supply a representant in the CD guild, so that we can multilaterally decide on things (so far, there are only two representants).
come on people, join up! it's for the good of the community (in a democratic way...)
Sep 25, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
/Me wonders which member he has seen on ?

Because in good times I have seen on 5 at a time on their insas char. But lately these people arent on a lot.

I think they are waiting for the ingame guilds and missions and all.


PS: Besides, most of these people do know how to dodge, I know because I know :D.