Forums » Role Playing

(NHO) Guild

Sep 23, 2003 sector0 link
This is a guild of helping newbies destroying people that try and kill them those sorts of things. this organization stands for Newbie Help Organization.

this organization will be for helping newbies that really need to know and give them all the faqs about the game also preventing people from killing them.sometimes i see some really good people killing innocent newbies so that is why i decided to make this guild there is only 3things i require for this guild

1)have good patience

2)be nice to people who dont understand stuff

3)be willing to help people

Those are some rules for my guild i hope they arent too much

Names:The names for this guild will be like (NHO)sector3 or in roman numerals if you think different about the name please tell me and i will see witch one got the most votes.

Ships:The ships for The NHO are gonna be vulture,valks,and maybe hornets anything like those thin sorta ships since i am not sure about the hornet i will see if you want that ship out for some peticular reason.

Activities:When you are off duty like not helping a newbie or anything like that please feel free to do anything you would if you were a normal ship.You are infact always on free time unless one person gets a signal from a newbie or see's one strugling.Only one person will help a newbie others stay on the free time.

Helping Delemas:If all the people on the NHO are helping newbies thne the ones waiting to be helped will wait until one person is done.No matter what whoever is being helped has to know for sure what to do.this guild will also have to confirm with the players if the understand everything.

Money Issues:When someone needs to know how to trade this guild will help their needs,because one we are trying to get all the new players ready to actually play the game and be when you first take a new person trading always transport them safely from one end to the other till they are familliar with the route. if they arent give them a helpful hint so they know how to get there. Take them to whatever sector they want you to go to unless you think it is unsafe for them to enter with their expirience. Feel free to say no at appropriate times.

Fighting: Also if a player needs to know how to fight you can either ask someone else (if they are on their free time)to help them fight or otherwise try your best at teaching them.They dont have to be excellent fighter just let them get an expirience of how to fight and when they think they are ready and they tell say your welcome and then wait for someone else to ask for help (or you ask them)if you have nothing to do and you have been waiting to help someone for 30 or 10minutes you may leave. You may not leave if you are in the middle of teaching or anything with helping a player unless an adult says you have to get off.At that point say to the player your mom said you have to go or dad and ask if anyone can take over.If not then say you will help them tomorrow.

Sep 23, 2003 SirCamps link
/me thinks you stole the naming idea from DSG. :-P

Good intent, but.... you're Serco. Do I sense a nation switch here? :-D

Good luck, talk to Renegade, he'd be a good member for your guild.
Sep 23, 2003 sector0 link
no i didnt steal the name from DSG. i thought of it myself and i am not serco anymore and you may join sir camps anyone can join that is Itani.

Sep 24, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
I wont be a member,

I am already a key member of the insas, and they are already there for helping newbies in their free time like sector 0 so nicely put.

For the rest, Im not going to dedicate once again another char to just help newbies. If I help newbies then it will be on one of the insas chars that our entire group shares or on my own char.

Dont forget, mostly people are on with their reglar char, and constantly havingto change char gets irritating.

Naturally once guilds are integrated and you can be a member of multiple guilds without having to change your char every time, then I will be glad to help.

But for now, sorry.

Nevertheless, this doesnt mean that I wont help newbies, I just am not goign to help them with a special char.

Sep 24, 2003 sector0 link
well rene you can be renegade++Rip++ if you want that is why i gave like sorta choice if you want to have different name you are comfortable with that is fine
Sep 24, 2003 sector0 link
if you want to join feel free to ask questions that you are unsure of and any opinion. if you are also wondering about what to do please ask that too thank you
Sep 24, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
ok then,

Consider me in


PS: Its Renegade ++RIP++, or rene for friends or the little buggers ;). The space makes a world of difference :D
Sep 24, 2003 Jm262 link
hmmm, not to kill your guild or anything but do we really need a guild to help noobies, i mean a noob comes on and asks for help or just helps themselves. And if they ask they usually get help depending on who's on. Otherwise good luck on your guild.

/me walks away pissed cause his guild never had any members
Sep 24, 2003 sector0 link
w00t 1 person already
Sep 25, 2003 the flying banana link
first: Good job, making a n00bHelpGuild, but:

why do you only want Itani as members?
do you only help Itani n00bs?

I usualy help any n00b, regardless of Nation.
I think you should do the same,
and acceping Serco and Neutral members would help too.

Sep 25, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
itanis = scientists that saw there error in waging war. And we deeply regret our actions that we did in the course of history.

So we would do it for free, nothing else questioned.

Serco : would only help a noob, if it fit in their stand, so when they saw that it could add to their numbers and when they show prowess/fun in killing stuff.

Neutral: all for money, helping a newbie, ooh well sir newbie that costs you 50k. Oh , you dont have 50k, dont worry, from every traderun that youll do afterwards, we expect 5% of your profit.

So if you consider the rping perspect, the itanis are the only beneficial option :D

PS: Statement made by an itani :D

PPS: flying, I havent got an idea why he urges for the members being an itani.

Sep 25, 2003 genka link
"The Itani, formerly the aggressors responsible for countless wartime horrors, now a wise and benevolent people, haunted by their dark past."
Sep 25, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
I say tomatoe, you say tomato, we both know what I mean :D

That is the most important part

Sep 25, 2003 toshiro link
hrrm... difficult to word this post without making it become flamebait...
the serco may see theit own profit as a goal when helping newbs (what warring nation wouldn't?), granted. but what do the itani train newbs for, then? that they freely contribute to scientific advances? puh-leeze.
maybe (just maybe, mind you) you *tell* them you're helping them, then nab them in a dark passage of the sector, put them into your laboratories and conduct gruesome experiments on them... ;)
ah, i failed...
Sep 25, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
no toshi,

the reason behind this is guilt. The itani feel bad because of their actions in the past, and they have to for their own honor, conscious help newbies. This also at the same time explains why they became a benevolent race. they learned that war cant solve everything and are trying to solve this be being nice to people. And being diplomatic and all :D.

The sercos just dont care, they ant to be number one, whatever the price.

The neutrals = everything has a price. As long as I become better of it, then that is good enough for me.

Im not saying that everybody acts that way, but I presumed after reading the history of every race more or less, that in roleplaying perspective this would be the general thought.

Naturally that there will be nice people/organisations inside those races, I wont contradict, But these will be a minority.

Sep 27, 2003 sector0 link
sorry everyone i was gone my DSL wasnt working and now it is and you i will change the rule. you can be any color as long as you do not kill the guild members unless in a war.And you can help any color n00bs

Oct 02, 2003 ahdinh2 link
I can help them control things and show them ways to kill bots but i wont give them money cause i dont have enough money
Oct 04, 2003 sector0 link
anyone can join the thread since the rule you have to be Itani is gone.
Oct 05, 2003 ahdinh2 link
my friends want to join