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list of ambassadors in the CD

Sep 20, 2003 toshiro link
Verdandi (other names omitted)(Aesir League)
DefenseShip 4 (other names omitted)(Defense Ship)
Cargo Reclamation Unit 11 (other names omitted) (Cargo Reclamation Units)
silentsuicide (other names omitted) (Syndicate)
Serco Monk #1 (other names omitted) (Serco Monks)
Roguelazer ((other names omitted) (Vendetta Pilots Against Imperialism)
toshiro (other names omitted) (Corps Diplomatique)
this list will be updated whenever there are changes.
please respect the diplomat state they have when in a meeting (not outside of it, so far... members of the CD (Corps Diplomatique) will have to make a CD char or stay on the one they joined with, as long as attending a meeting)
oh... and please, post comments about the CD in the other thread, i'd prefer to keep this one clean... thank you very much in advance.
Sep 25, 2003 toshiro link
Sep 29, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
Throw silent on there as the Syndicate Ambassador....and n00b will sub for 'im(if necessary)

I don't do politics well :/
Sep 30, 2003 ctishman link
Serco Monk #1 as ambassador for the Serco Monks.
Sep 30, 2003 toshiro link
«Throw silent on there as the Syndicate Ambassador....and n00b will sub for 'im(if necessary)»
well.. he could only substitute for him if he were allowed to use silentsuicide's account. only the same chars will be allowed to meetings (and only one for each guild)
/me does not know the serco monks, i missed out on that one. what a newb i am... but seriously, if that is a guild that exists and will take part, i'll be glad to host for them, too.
Oct 02, 2003 ctishman link
I am a Serco Monk. We make it our business to explore ourselves and our world, and the relationships of all things to nothing. We take no vows of silence nor chastity, for the objective of being a Serco Monk is not to deny one's self pleasure through misguided asceticism.
Oct 01, 2003 roguelazer link
You forgot me, ya know.
Oct 02, 2003 toshiro link
hem, hem. changed.
Oct 02, 2003 SirCamps link
cool deal
Oct 03, 2003 genka link
/me scratches his head

Once upon a time, way back when, I made "Serco monk" "Itani monk" and "Neutral monk"

I guess someone liked the idea...
Oct 05, 2003 toshiro link
Oct 06, 2003 genka link
/me pushes the thread up with his head now


This flame stuff is hard to get through...
Oct 14, 2003 toshiro link
Oct 30, 2003 toshiro link
again... i really have to get this site up and running...
Oct 31, 2003 roguelazer link
Oct 31, 2003 spectre_c_me link
/me thinks toshiro missed HumpyThePenguin's point

i think what he meant was that if silent dint want to be the ambassador then use n00b instead of silent, though i could have misinterpreted his statement myself. i really dont know...

oh yeah... dont forget roguelazer is a syn member so if you get pirated and you need someone to blame just blame him. lol

Oct 31, 2003 toshiro link
no, i think i did not miss the point there.
he asked for silent to be ut on the ambassadors list. as you cannot have more than one, n00b cannot substitute for him (if he was ill, or unable to log in to vendetta).
Oct 31, 2003 silentsuicide link
oh yeah btw, ive quit he syn now so you can just take my name out altogether
Oct 31, 2003 roguelazer link
I have quit the syn also.
Nov 01, 2003 toshiro link
thank you for the information, silentsuicide. it has been taken into consideration.