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Defense Ship 4 retiring

Sep 16, 2003 SirCamps link
Well I spoke with several long-time members of the community, and they appear unhappy (the adjectives were much stronger) that I was using the name "Defense Ship" as a guild. Thus, after the reset (whenever it may be), the name "defense ship" will not be used by me. I will let you all guess about my "defense" screen name, however.

It appears that several members, such as StarFreeze and more importantly, FireMage, are unhappy with me using the name as a guild. FiReMaGe's dissatisfaction is hearsay, however, and I would appreciate it if he could express his view to me, whether publicly or privately.

This is not to say that I will cease protecting newbies. "Defense Ship 4," like "Defense Ship 3," will function only as an Itani defense ship, assisting in flag captures and defenses.

That's all.
Sep 16, 2003 roguelazer link
No!!! Bacix Tenra isn't blue enough!
Sep 17, 2003 Dagger link
So... eh?
You won't be starting a DS-like guild after all?

That sucks.
- Archie.
Sep 16, 2003 The Kid link
rogue errr not yet, after the reset.
Sep 17, 2003 SirCamps link
I'll think of something else, but if FM doesn't want me to use the DS name, I'll bow to his wishes, as he is the original Defense Ship (DS3).
Sep 17, 2003 stick link
Forget what i put here last time.

Stick, remember that name!
Sep 20, 2003 SirCamps link
Switch..... DS4 ain't going away. FM, you can delete the thread.........