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The story of Battle Cruiser # 4325
Ok.. it's 2 AM, so i'm sure this is full of mistakes, but you know what? i dont care right now.
The Itani battle cruiser headed towards the warp point. Thick black smoke poured into space from several ruptures in it's hull.
"Computer, damage report?" Spoke the captain.
"Hull integrity, 35%. Primary thrusters, 50%. Life support, 89%. Primary weapon systems, offline. Secondary weapon systems, 2%. Warp drive, 64%. Communication systems, offline
. Short range scanners, offline. Long range scanners, 13%. " Spoke a computerized female voice.
"Captain!" cried one of the men. " 6 Secro fighters hot on our tail! Time untill they're within firing range... 36.2 seconds"
"Time until warp?" asked the captain.
"28.5 seconds"
The crew sat ridged, waiting for the time to pass
The captain sat and thought back in what had happened. They had gone on a routine patrol of part of the Secro-Itani border. Just a routine patrol in a neutral part of space. Hell, a Secro ship hadn't been spotted in the sector since the Secro-Itani peace treaty had been signed 15 years ago, so naturally it was a surprise to the captain to see an entire Secro war fleet, complete with newly built factory ships.
Before the captain could send a message to the Itani fleet, a group of fighters knocked out the warship's communication system. The warship quickly emptied it's 4 avalon tubes into the biggest and slowest thing the captain could spot, which were the factory ships. Wave after wave of fighters poared from launch ships, but the turrets and missile pods on the battle cruiser made short work of most of the fighters, but the ones that got through managed to deal quite a bit of damage before being shot down.
When the avalons struck the factory ships, the explosion was enormous. Easily a third of the entire Secro fleet was docked at those 2 ships for finishing touches and to be armed, and when the factory ships went, so did they. The shock wave from the resulting destruction scattered the fighters and took out even more of the fleet. Seeing his chance, the captain ordered a full retreat to the wormhole. A dozen fighters was all the Secro spared to destroy the battered battle cruiser. When the first 6 caught up to it, the captain ordered all the remaining missiles launched at the fighters. The fighters charged in in a suicidal manner, emptying their rocket pods at the cruiser before being obliterated. The remaining 6 lost some time trying to dodge the missiles and avoid the remains of their dead comrades.
The computer spoke up and startled the captain out of his thoughts. "Time till warp... 5. 4. 3. 2..."
As soon as the computer reached 2, the entire ship shuddered and jumped. Several men were thrown from their seats.
"WARNING! WARNING" screeched another computerized voice. "Meteor impact in section 7! Warp drive unsta--"
At that moment, the warp countdown completed, and the ship was hurled through space, only seconds ahead of the 6 Secro fighters.
When the ship exited the wormhole, the computer instantly spoke up. "WARNING! WARNING! WARP DRIVE OVERLOAD!!! MELTDOWN IN 45 SECONDS!"
The captain instantly screamed into the intercom "ABANDON SHIP!!"
Everyone reacted. Men leapt from their chairs and ran racing down to the lower deck where a row of modified EC-88s waited to take them away from their dying cruiser.
The captain and the young man who had warned him about the approaching fighters leapt into the last EC-88 in the row, closed the hatch and ordered a full burn away from the ship. As soon as he saw that all the escape ships has made it out, he ordered that the sensors went to full power and scan for any Serco ships. That was when the young man spoke up, his voice was was full of fear.
"Captain.. There is no need for that."
"Huh?" said the captain. "Why not?"
"This isn't Sector 126A5V... Hell, this isn't anywhere close."
"What do you mean" said the captain.
"Look outside sir."
For the first time, the captain turned his head and looked out the view port. Surrounding them were the long gutted remains of warships he had never seen or ever heard of before. The man was right. There weren't in 126A5V. Hell, they weren't anywhere NEAR it. The captain, who had traveled to every known sector in the galaxy, had never heard of this place. Yet for some odd reason, he felt like he knew exactly where he was.
"Set a landing course for the nearest planet with water, radio the other pods to follow us" He said.
The fleet of escape pods headed towards the 3rd planet in the system, which had only 1 moon.
The Itani battle cruiser headed towards the warp point. Thick black smoke poured into space from several ruptures in it's hull.
"Computer, damage report?" Spoke the captain.
"Hull integrity, 35%. Primary thrusters, 50%. Life support, 89%. Primary weapon systems, offline. Secondary weapon systems, 2%. Warp drive, 64%. Communication systems, offline
. Short range scanners, offline. Long range scanners, 13%. " Spoke a computerized female voice.
"Captain!" cried one of the men. " 6 Secro fighters hot on our tail! Time untill they're within firing range... 36.2 seconds"
"Time until warp?" asked the captain.
"28.5 seconds"
The crew sat ridged, waiting for the time to pass
The captain sat and thought back in what had happened. They had gone on a routine patrol of part of the Secro-Itani border. Just a routine patrol in a neutral part of space. Hell, a Secro ship hadn't been spotted in the sector since the Secro-Itani peace treaty had been signed 15 years ago, so naturally it was a surprise to the captain to see an entire Secro war fleet, complete with newly built factory ships.
Before the captain could send a message to the Itani fleet, a group of fighters knocked out the warship's communication system. The warship quickly emptied it's 4 avalon tubes into the biggest and slowest thing the captain could spot, which were the factory ships. Wave after wave of fighters poared from launch ships, but the turrets and missile pods on the battle cruiser made short work of most of the fighters, but the ones that got through managed to deal quite a bit of damage before being shot down.
When the avalons struck the factory ships, the explosion was enormous. Easily a third of the entire Secro fleet was docked at those 2 ships for finishing touches and to be armed, and when the factory ships went, so did they. The shock wave from the resulting destruction scattered the fighters and took out even more of the fleet. Seeing his chance, the captain ordered a full retreat to the wormhole. A dozen fighters was all the Secro spared to destroy the battered battle cruiser. When the first 6 caught up to it, the captain ordered all the remaining missiles launched at the fighters. The fighters charged in in a suicidal manner, emptying their rocket pods at the cruiser before being obliterated. The remaining 6 lost some time trying to dodge the missiles and avoid the remains of their dead comrades.
The computer spoke up and startled the captain out of his thoughts. "Time till warp... 5. 4. 3. 2..."
As soon as the computer reached 2, the entire ship shuddered and jumped. Several men were thrown from their seats.
"WARNING! WARNING" screeched another computerized voice. "Meteor impact in section 7! Warp drive unsta--"
At that moment, the warp countdown completed, and the ship was hurled through space, only seconds ahead of the 6 Secro fighters.
When the ship exited the wormhole, the computer instantly spoke up. "WARNING! WARNING! WARP DRIVE OVERLOAD!!! MELTDOWN IN 45 SECONDS!"
The captain instantly screamed into the intercom "ABANDON SHIP!!"
Everyone reacted. Men leapt from their chairs and ran racing down to the lower deck where a row of modified EC-88s waited to take them away from their dying cruiser.
The captain and the young man who had warned him about the approaching fighters leapt into the last EC-88 in the row, closed the hatch and ordered a full burn away from the ship. As soon as he saw that all the escape ships has made it out, he ordered that the sensors went to full power and scan for any Serco ships. That was when the young man spoke up, his voice was was full of fear.
"Captain.. There is no need for that."
"Huh?" said the captain. "Why not?"
"This isn't Sector 126A5V... Hell, this isn't anywhere close."
"What do you mean" said the captain.
"Look outside sir."
For the first time, the captain turned his head and looked out the view port. Surrounding them were the long gutted remains of warships he had never seen or ever heard of before. The man was right. There weren't in 126A5V. Hell, they weren't anywhere NEAR it. The captain, who had traveled to every known sector in the galaxy, had never heard of this place. Yet for some odd reason, he felt like he knew exactly where he was.
"Set a landing course for the nearest planet with water, radio the other pods to follow us" He said.
The fleet of escape pods headed towards the 3rd planet in the system, which had only 1 moon.
Should be moved to "Role Playing"
It's SERCO, not secro.
Anyways... nice story.
Anyways... nice story.
if only a *bit* foreshadowing :P
More like necro... hehe jk!
Hey Arolte, I resent that remark :-P
nice, shame serco didn't win.
Move this to "Role Playin'"!
OOH! One moon. What could it be?