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Space news-week
It's oficial now , Deedolito the pretty frenchy playeress is now married to the peaceful and honorful [syn]nOOb , as wedding present Deedolito gave a "suicidal lemming" to her husband...
Let's wish theim Good times while licking S7 roid
Let's wish theim Good times while licking S7 roid
/me is a very special wedding gift!
[moved to role-playing for lack of a better label]
/me congratulates them and gives a signed copy of the biography from Renegade ++RIP++s life as a wedding present. I hope it will do as much good as it did to me.
"that is none at all :D"
"that is none at all :D"
/me gives the newlyweds a big batch of cookies...
/me gives the newlyweds a big batch of cookies...
/me hands the newlyweds a legal wedding certificate, and is even kind enough to forget that they didn't have one before.
Congratulations, you 2...
/me pokes n00b with his elbow: "I knew you could do it" ;D
/me pokes n00b with his elbow: "I knew you could do it" ;D