Forums » Role Playing

The Christmas Truce

Nov 28, 2009 Aticephyr link
It is incendiary to advocate that a specific someone's thoughts are not worth hearing and detrimental to the community as a whole
Gaaaaa. And when a specific someone's posts are themselves incendiary? I do not believe it incendiary or detrimental to the community to advocate that incendiary or vulgar or abusive comments be /ignored. Seems something of a double-standard. If a newbie doesn't mind the specific player's statements... then he won't /ignore.

We're getting off-topic, though. If we need to have a discussion on /ignore and incendiary comments/actions, let's start a new thread. EDIT:

[edited to accurately quote Pointsman's edit]
Nov 28, 2009 diqrtvpe link
Thank you, Atice. I think that there might be something to discuss there (I have a few thoughts on it myself, shockingly enough), but most of it is outside the purview of this thread. I agree with Maal that it is probably not necessary to tell newbs of specific people they should automatically ignore at this point. When peytros was still in his rampant youth, yes, but perhaps for the duration of the truce you could simply make them aware of /ignore? Once the weapon is in their hands, they can use it as they see fit.

I would guess that a fair share of the acrimony between parties recently has been due to historical reasons. Most of us who were there for them are unlikely to forget pey's first months. However, he does seem to have made great strides in turning himself from a very successful troll into a pirate who occasionally successfully trolls people on a very wide variety of topics (he got me on astrophysics not too long ago, it was quite well done). Calling each other griefers (as is still panning out in the concurrent thread) does nothing to move past prior transgressions, and can only make the situation worse. I am glad to see that something of a dialogue can still take place here, and I am hopeful that it can continue and grow, both out here and in-game; if not, then hopefully we can respectfully disagree about things, rather than doing so caustically and vociferously.
Nov 28, 2009 Impavid link
Telling n00bs to /ignore a player they haven't ever met is mean spirited and wrong. You may not be attacking them directly or talking shit on 100, instead you're unfairly impugning their character. It's no different than the vote mute campaigns of yesteryear.
Nov 28, 2009 Aticephyr link
Nov 28, 2009 Inco link
Great effort diqrtvpe, I am 100% with you.

Role playing a pirate, antipirate, whatever is one thing. Being personal, calling people names etc. is something completely different.

Friends, and I mean all you, pick up a role and play it. Leave your personal problems off the game.

I promise to stay nice to people I kill and to those who kill me.
Nov 28, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
and who is this whistler guy? impdavid lecter and peytros say stuff everyday that is awful and it usualy gets ignored. anyone else like a trader says something liek they say all the time and it gets locked deleted or edited. why do they get special treatment?

I get special treatment? News to me. Someone please pass me some of whatever rok-noob is smoking.

As for this thread's condescending attitude (OP, strat, and Atice, mainly), each and every one of you can not only burn to death in the Void, but get ridiculed while you do it. You guys and most of your ilk are not merely RP enemies in-game, but have time and again shown yourselves to be played by individuals who are needlessly self-righteous, not particularly bright, and constantly insulting. The latter favor will be returned in spades.

Indeed, Christmas truces were always the best time for sucker punching one's opponent, while the sheep on each side were sharing some simpering cheer. I look forward to building upon that idea over the next month.

Nov 28, 2009 diqrtvpe link
Interestingly enough, Lecter, you've never seemed to have a problem with me before, and you aren't one to pull your punches with people you think are stupid. Also, I have never gotten involved in any of the insult wars that have been going on in the recent past, nor in more distant times. I'm not sure who you think I am, but you seem to be somewhat confused.

As for the "condescending attitude," I suppose being asked to stop the personal attacks could be considered to be condescending. By presuming to know enough better than you to advise you in the best course of action, I can definitely see how you might think that's condescending. But I'm not telling you that this is the best course of action. I'm reminding you that once, long ago, this was a lot more fun for everyone, pirate and trader and anti-pirate alike. A lot has changed since then, and a lot of it we can't control, but this we can control, and I'm telling you that for me, at least, this is making the game less fun. On more than one side. You can accuse me of being condescending, self-righteous, moronic, and probably many other things with flowery names. That doesn't make me wrong. It doesn't make me right, either, but it's going a lot more towards proving my point than it is towards proving yours.
Nov 28, 2009 diqrtvpe link
It's clear this is a lost cause. Whistler, feel free to lock this. I have no faith that this will ever be resolved without divine intervention.
Nov 28, 2009 Impavid link
I think what changed was the attitude of the Anti-pirates. Nerde Verde and M.Duncan, both fun pilots to play with, are long gone. Strat runs the Viper show and he's more than demonstrated he's a fanatic with little regard for fun. He looks upon his role in this game as a sacred duty and it infects those below him. He's the only Viper LT and the top of the Viper foodchain. Like I said in another thread, growler was fun to play with before he joined Viper and followed strats lead, now he's a junior strat clone.
Nov 28, 2009 diqrtvpe link
No. You're wrong, or at least not right, but you won't agree with anything I say about it, so it's not worth arguing about. Lock please.

EDIT: I'm not saying that the anti-rats are blameless. I'm saying that you're not blameless, either. Before you can pick the speck out of your brother's eye, you must first take the plank out of your own eye, etc.
Nov 28, 2009 Aticephyr link
Hell, I thought we had fun today. A little heckling, but it was good sport.

To clarify: I means the furball ingame was fun.
Nov 28, 2009 Impavid link
I didn't say I was blameless, but I'm not a zealot am I?
Nov 29, 2009 Snax_28 link
While I mostly consider myself aligned with the pirate community in-game (in a social, rp, and gameplay context), I'll admit that one of the reasons I haven't been playing recently has been due to the activity on these here forums.

My approach (literally) to VO is as follows:

1. Log onto
2. Check forums.
3. Check Active Players list.
4. If # of Active Players > 30, or someone I like is on...
5. Log-on.

No. 2 has stopped me dead in my tracks lately. Interestingly enough, I'm probably not blameless in this (I do enjoy getting a jab in here and there when someone leaves themselves wide open). Still, I wholeheartedly agree that things have devolved into a messy state of affairs, one that I largely do not want to be part of anymore. The game is what it is, for better or for worse (better and better these days, ironically), but with this small a community, the analogy of a dysfunctional family is an easy one to make.

Sounds like a perfect time to do away with 100! And ditch B8 while yer at it.
Nov 29, 2009 Whistler link
I think it'll cool down after the Thanksgiving holiday break, but then there's Christmas break to look forward to.
Nov 29, 2009 Kierky link
1. Log onto
2. Check forums.
3. Check Active Players list.
4. If # of Active Players > 30, or someone I like is on...
5. Log-on.

If everyone did this, then no-one would play the game anymore, because then people would swap coming ingame for looking at who is online on the VO website. There would be only bots online should everyone do this.
Nov 29, 2009 Snax_28 link
Your point being...
Nov 29, 2009 DivisionByZero link
At least bots don't bitch.
Nov 29, 2009 look... no hands link
"And why anyone would play a game in which they are constantly abused, I don't know."

I honestly thing there are many out there that come for the abuse, makes the people we deal with in R/L seem so much nicer by comparison. I'd be in game a lot more if not for Left 4 Dead 2, which I've been playing almost to the exclusion of drinking even.

Yes things have gotten ugly. Such is the way of all things, they tend to deteriorate over time, rust never sleeps.

As soon as I seen the title of this thread I knew what it's purpose would be, and I knew it would become a flame war.

Face it, half the game actually really hates the other half. To such a point that most of one side could actually die and only get cheers from the other side.
Nov 29, 2009 LeberMac link
Here's my method for logging into VO:

1. Check to make sure I'm still subscribed.
2. Am I supposed to be something else? Do it.
3. Log onto
4. Check forums.
5. Make odd comments throughout the threads.
6. Log-on without caring who is on.
7. Look for people who are fun to fight.
8. Fight them more-or-less continually until I am too drunk to continue or until something good is on TV.
9. If extremely drunk, make sure to get on voice chat and have some laughs.
10. If you run out of VO credits, beg for more from a guildmember.
11. Win VO.

That's pretty much it. I think that perhaps SOME people are taking things a bit too far...

But, then again, the game is VENDETTA, natch.
Nov 29, 2009 diqrtvpe link
Hmmm, maybe that's it. I haven't been drinking and playing nearly so much lately. I will endeavour to remedy this situation.