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Guild central

Dec 17, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
eh? as long as you aren't speaking credits, fine by me
Feb 27, 2004 roguelazer link
You did ask for it Magus...
Feb 27, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
I cant beleive someone bothered to dig this old relic out and bump it but goes.

Name: Serco Defense Force (SDF)
Tag: [SDF] (currently optional, will be mandatory once the guildsupport systems are online)
Mission: Defense of the Serco Dominion from Itani's and NTs. Now a primarily diplomatic force with enough Fighter Pilots to make war with it hell.

Website: (no www.)
Feb 29, 2004 SirCamps link
The Confederation
Guild force: Unknown, 3 known pilots
Partial member list: Confederate Valkyrie, Confederate Gunboat, Confederate Patrol Ship
Purpose: To defend the [Itani] Confederation by curbing the [Serco] Rebellion and destroying [NT] pirates.
Actions: Escort, give assistance, cargo inspections.
Feb 29, 2004 roguelazer link
guild Itani Nation Council
   virtual Tag: None, really.
   Purpose: To lead the INM and make policy decisions for the Itani People
   Leader: FiReMaGe
   sealed Website:

guild Itani Nation Military : Itani Nation Council
   override Tag: [INM] (optional)
   Purpose: The armed forces of the INC. Guards Itani Space, protects Itani Pilots, attacks enemies
   Leaders: The Itani Nation Council
Feb 29, 2004 crazydeb8r link
Live and Let (Old Threads) DIE!
Feb 29, 2004 Magus link
"Live and Let (Old Threads) DIE!"

-The thread's purpose was to inform people about their guilds. It still has a purpose, no reason to let it die.