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The Vipers

Jul 29, 2003 Sage link
Being a pirate who is actually good enough to pirate good players, however, does take skills. There is no dignity in pirating newbies and people who can't fight.
Jul 29, 2003 electric27 link
Most pirates don't HAVE any dignity :P
Jul 29, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
/me cant fight, so dont pirate me ;)


PS: pirating doesnt take skill, it just involves prowling on people with less capabilities then you have. It would be the same as a vultduel against a valk. The chances of a valk winning with a same handle is far greater then the one for a vult. "I thought something of 3 -1 chance that the valk wins"

Jul 30, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
being a pirate doesnt take skill I agree...

But being a SUCCESFUL pirate and bringing in profit DOES take skill
Aug 06, 2003 roguelazer link
Vipers are funny. When I logged on, they asked me if I was a syndicate and told me that they were gonna kill me. I said no and went about my business. So far, I haven't seen them do ANYTHING except sit around s7 station and shoot at various non-pirates. Oh yeah, and they make big talk. :)
Aug 07, 2003 UncleDave link
Well its funny really, since we've been around, pirating has all but ceased. The syndicate was supposed to be huge, and its kinda not materialised in the game yet...? The EiG leader has gone camping for a few weeks too, so we're all chillin' until 3.3 comes around and the madness truly starts.

I dont think anyone uses their Viper char any more for random fighting and business- I made the mistake of doing that for a short while, but if we havent got the tag on we dont have a player/sector target.

Phoenix is quite funny these days, he's practically my only regular. So I harass him in a tachyon vulture, and that keeps him from pirating.
Aug 07, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
/me rubs his head

hrmmm........I went to play paintball this weekend and everything fell apart

meh, better strike some fear! Im off! weeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Aug 07, 2003 roguelazer link
I still pirate, but since I've never seen a viper outside of s7 (I mean NEVER), I just pirate in 14 or 18 or 15 or 9 instead.
Aug 07, 2003 genka link
ou! ou! I saw a viper cap yesterday!
So hah! You're wrong! they do go out of s7!!
Aug 08, 2003 Icarus link
Aug 08, 2003 UncleDave link
Well, be fair. I do check 14 occasionally, but if/when people get pirated they just dont say anything. So we're left either spending half our time checking 14, which ruins the game for us, or actually having some fun blowing sh!t up. We have a PURPOSE, not a JOB. We arent the official Vendetta police force, so I dont see why you guys are complaining here. If you want a bunch of people specifically to enforce the peace, go make your own guilds. We are vigilantes, nothing more.

EDIT: Icarus, we have plenty of people preparing to deal with you in the future :P
Aug 08, 2003 zamzx zik link
ill join!!!!!!:)
Aug 08, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
Thank you Dave, You just made my job a heck of a lot easier >:)
Aug 08, 2003 roguelazer link
Yay! He admits that they don't and won't do anything (traders don't come through 7 most of the time)! w00t!
Aug 08, 2003 alienb1212 link
Dave has turned back to the dark side...
Aug 08, 2003 Buckaroo link
Roguelazer: You apparently do not read closely enough. We usually do not patrol all sectors - but when we get wind of someone pirating, we act. That's exactly what UncleDave wrote, so where do you interpret that we won't and don't do anything?

Ma "Dyslexia for cure found" rk
Aug 09, 2003 roguelazer link
Because if he only "occassionally checks s14", where no one pirates anyway, and you're all in s7, which is 6-7 mins from sc17, then it is the same as never being able to do anything.
Aug 17, 2003 Ragnarok link
For the record:

I patrol all sectors while playing. With the exception of 18 as I have a hard time finding it.
The only sectors I leave out are the home sectors with the flags.
I beleive that if someone want's to pirate a newb in thier home sector they will have to deal with the def bots. I do however patrol 4 and 6.

I also announce my patrols over regular chat. And also let everyone know if a sector is safe. Several other Vipers are doing this also.

That said. Rogue..if you are pirating...I will hunt you :)

Have a nice day!

Aug 17, 2003 Urza link
"Fed up with the new and improved pirates who like to gang up and act dishonourably? Don't like being station- and wormhole camped? Don't like being attacked by a pirate who claimed to be non-hostile?"

You're right, i dont. So you people should stop playing.
Aug 18, 2003 UncleDave link
Ha! Ha! Funny guy.

We've all seen you play Sam, you are in no position to make cracks like that.