Forums » Role Playing

EiG (Evil is Good) Guild

Jul 19, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
oohh well at least it gives us valid targets :D

Jul 19, 2003 cembandit link

EiG is a place were vets and aces can be corrupt, without damaging their reputations. This is done by the secret character process. Anyone can apply but you must pass a skills and morality test. I dont not need or care about your real characters name. Intrested players should make a new charcter named yourname [EiG] and contact one of us in game. The morality test is more important then the skills tests, as we need more bus hunters, and they go down real easy :)

You must futher the cause of spreading chaos in the galaxy. Mercy is looked down on, unless its fake mercy to achieve a goal. The morality tests should ferret out the people who are better suited for lighter evil guilds. EiG is as bad as it gets, folks.

-Homestar Runner, Guildmaster
Jul 19, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
oh gody, a guild of griefers and arses...I wonder how long this will last...

Well anyway good for you! Itll make the Syndicate look better!
Jul 19, 2003 cembandit link
Do not flame my guild. Act cival. How many times do I have to remind you guys that the rules for this board protect me too.
Jul 19, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
EiG is nothing more than a group of newb valk jockeys and rocket rammers.
Jul 19, 2003 Icarus link
Jul 19, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Ooh in that case:

go clan go :D

Jul 19, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link

/me wonders if Icarus wants to Join the Syndicate...
we need more red pirates....
and I have a hidden easter egg on my site! HAHAHAA!
Jul 19, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
me hopes there wil be a battle between icarus, thje EiG and the syndicate :D. I think icarus would beat them all :D

Jul 19, 2003 genka link
hmm.. syndicate has lots of people, so we might win by sheer numbers alone.
Jul 19, 2003 zamzx zik link
Jul 20, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
yeah...Im getting flooded by aplications...Im gonna have to make people vouch for others...
Jul 20, 2003 genka link
UncleDave's got a guild?!?!?
/me goes to look for it

Anyhow, EiG guys, thanks for taking the pressure off of the syndicate guys ;-)
Jul 20, 2003 genka link
the syndicate!
the pirate guild of DOOM, and coolness
yup. We sure are.
Oh. Yea.
Jul 20, 2003 Buckaroo link
Genka: you just take care of the Vipers :-)
Jul 20, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
/me bets that the vipers arent going to have as many people who want to join.

The Syndicate has a form AND a website :P
Jul 20, 2003 UncleDave link
FYI, we've already had 4 applicants.
Jul 20, 2003 Buckaroo link
Right now: 4 members and three applicants :-)

And we neither need nor want a website - with the current crop of pirates (acting dishonourably) we can't be sure that they just gang up on members when they are just cruising around.

So - it's up to each member if he reveals his membership or not.

Mark (Commander Jameson)
Jul 20, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
tehehe...I have 3 applicants, one suspended member and 8 normal members :P
Jul 21, 2003 cembandit link
To awnser a few questions I have recieved.

All real EiG will be blue. Consider any other colors targets, EiG tag or not.

EiG players are allowed to steal other guilds tags and have a little fun. I neither support nor disown this method of chaos. The other guys cant really ruin our reps, as we are evil. I guess they could act good, which would be annoying, but dangerous to thier own newbies. (The newbs would assume EiG is good at the wrong time).

Yes, anyone can make an EiG and go rampaging, just try to get in touch with a core member sometime. Remember, you will be a target with our tag, and combat is easy to find.

I dont give orders, I hate authority myself. Just have fun. To stress that point I changed my sig from "guildmaster" to "founder".

HSR, founder of EiG