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Where did that Buzz McKensie Come From?

Feb 23, 2008 euclid6400 link
Buzz had fancied himself a miner/trader ever since he was able to piss by himself. An orphan since the age of five, he didn't know a thing about who his parents were, or where he came from. All Buzz did know was that he had lived amongst the rough and tumble traders and miners of The Aroan Asteroid Field in the Dau System ever since he could remember.

It was said that a cantankerous old trader named “Fetch” had found him as a little boy, cuddled up in a trash pile. Ragged, bruised , starving, with nothing more than a stitch of clothing on, young Buzz looked like something the Devil himself had thrown out, unworthy of residence in hell..

Seeing the retched boy, Fetch said to himself, “ Dear God in Heaven, who could abandon a boy to such misery?. He'd be better off if someone just jettisoned his sorry ass into space”. But instead of walking away cursing and cussing in his usual manner, Fetch froze, right there where he stood.

Powerful emotions began to well up inside him, the likes of which he had not felt in eons. Was it pity, sympathy, or just compassion? He didn't have a clue. All he knew was that it felt as if someone had executed his favorite boyhood puppy right before his very eyes.

“My God, I'm crying”, he said. His gut was wrenching as if a hundred soldiers had punched him all at once.

He then picked up the boy and said with wet and swollen eyes, “Your coming to live with me young pup, old Fetch will be taking care of you from now on”. He gave the young lad a grand Irish hug and a kiss saying, “From now on, your name is Buzz. Buzz McKensie. And you're the most favored son of the one and only Fetch McKensie”.

Never again would Buzz ever be cold, hungry, afraid, or alone.

The story continues.........
Feb 23, 2008 Shadoen link
Lol, nice.
Kinda reminds me of the "Prom night dumpster baby" song. >.>
Feb 24, 2008 Capt.Waffles link
Nice, good intro.
Feb 24, 2008 LeberMac link
An, I'd like ta add, a preferred client of [CLM] since he paid me with nary a fuss last night. A right upstanding chap, that Buzz.