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Prodigal Son

Nov 16, 2007 A-Dawg link
SCAR HQ SkyCommand - November 15, 4437

"You don't look like you belong here." The guard quietly stated and clicked back the hammer of his rifle.

"I don't..." stepping into better light the gaurd recognized the tarnished and threadbare SCAR commanding officer insignia on my left shoulder and stepped aside politely.

The door to the operation room slid open with a quiet whisper into a space filled with pilots, officers and support staff conversing about ongoing Serco ops, upcoming battle plans and Itani intelligence. Looking around there were a few old faces in sea of new ones, some just out of flight school by the look of it.

The young ones went about their business and the few familiars didn't seem to notice yet. I had changed since a year and a half ago. My blonde unkept hair now hung past my shoulders, and I hadn't shaved in a week.

I casually walked over to a pilot who was probably in his late teens or early twenties, but looked more like fifteen - just a greenhorn graduated from flightschool by the look of it.

Taking off my tattered officer's coat and throwing it over my right arm, I asked him, "Hey, who's in charge here? Nautargos? Cunjo? Viper?"

He gave me a quick once over and smirked mockingly. "That's Lt. Nautargos and Commander Viper to you. Who are they recruiting these days?"

"Heh, yeah, I know." Giving him a quick grin, I spotted a door at the back of the room, a good spot to where the officers offices would be. "Tell Naut or Vip if you see them, congratulations, they've done a good job. A-Dawg sends his best."

Stepping back out of the room and heading down to the docking bays I if the hotshot would get the message to them. We had a lot to discuss...

OC: Yep, I'm back for at least another month if not more in the future. It's great to see some new and old faces about. The devs have really come along with the game. The new hive looks really promising, and actual guild banks too! Here's to all seeing everybody out in digital space.

Dec 02, 2007 Beamrider link
Kamadan - December 2, 4437

"...and after that last unprofitable trip into Ahdashim I'm not going back in without some serious gold upfront" I growled at the Vabbian scout, "You'd be better off hiring a local...they're cheap...and expendable."

It had been another one of those days, I hadn't even got the dust from the last trip washed off and another group wanted to hire my services. 'Fame and Glory' seemed to be on everyone's mind...convenient they never cared about the low odds of their own survival.

"And another thing.." I started as I noticed the approaching runner headed my way. Great...another offer.....

"Excuse me, sir" the runner panted, "I've been told you might help me locate someone I have a message for....a 'Ote Korus', any idea where I might find him?"

Have you ever had your past, your long forgotten past I might add, suddenly surface when you least expected it? It was almost like a physical blow..I tried my best to cover before it was apparent the name meant more to me than it should.

"Yeah, I know where that scumbag is hiding. He's chasing fortune in the Vehjin least he was a few weeks ago." I spit out without showing my growing curiousity.

"You don't mean THE Vehjin Mines..." The now frightened runner got out before I interupted him.

"I happen to be headed that way actually, I could deliver the message to him on my way through..." I casually offered.

"That would be GREAT!" he sputtered before handing me the message and then quickly running off. Hmmm....I mused to myself, I have to remember to never use that service...they'll give messages to anyone.....

I wandered over to a secluded area and quickly scanned the contents of the message....and almost missed the tree I was aiming to lean against.

"A-Dawg! And almost a month ago...." I whispered under my breath.

This had the potential to bring changes to my near future...changes I wasn't prepared for at this time. My spies had gotten the message to me but it had obviously taken some time for it to reach me. My thoughts were spinning at a million miles an hour.

It had been too long since A-Dawg and myself had contacted each other. The guild we had formed still existed...but it had radically changed since we had left it in other hands. At one time he had spoke of returning it to it's original charter but I had thought those were the musing's of a former commander about his glory days. I needed more info...and I needed it fast.

"Ote, old boy, are you ready for this?" I mused as I headed towards my abode with it's hidden storage area. I had been hoarding that rare bottle of Elonian Ale for quite some time now...and it's time had come. I had some memories to re-live and some thoughts of the future to sort out.....
Dec 02, 2007 Hedgehogs4Me link
Wait... is it just me, or does this take place 2 years after current VO? I thought it was supposed to be 4435 right now.