Forums » Role Playing

what do you know,,.,,

Mar 30, 2006 Kalima link
well.. im back.. hmm the last weeks i have been ,,err gone,, i guess,,,woke up and several weeks have passed.. not good,,

*drink some coffee*

Have to figure out this elaps of time..

*mutters to herself*

*flap her wings and drink some coffee*
Mar 30, 2006 LeberMac link
Heya Kalima!
I want more UPN posters!
Mar 31, 2006 Kalima link
hehe ,, it will come,,it will come my dear Leber *S*

*flap her wings and drink her coffee*
Mar 31, 2006 who? me? link
i want more posters of me!

Mar 31, 2006 zamzx zik link
Erm, so who exactly are you online, Kalima?

/me hands Kalima a vendettien coffee mug
Mar 31, 2006 LeberMac link
Um. She's "Kalima".
Mar 31, 2006 zamzx zik link

due to a lack of understanding


What the hell?
Apr 04, 2006 Kalima link
Hehe,,as Leber so said,,im me,, a friendly trader with a nack for getting cute pirates in,,umm strange pictures *S*

*flap her wings and drink some coffee*
Jan 31, 2019 yodaofborg link
Jan 31, 2019 tarenty link
yoda casts thread necro!

it's super effective!
Feb 02, 2019 DeathSpores link
"The mating sounds of the lil' green man at night over Latos H2."