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Connection Error
"Unable to connect to the update server"
My internet works fine, what going on?1
need... my.. VO.. Hit..
I take it it's down for patching?
My internet works fine, what going on?1
need... my.. VO.. Hit..
I take it it's down for patching?
same for me, is there a 'server status' page?
I had DNS errors for everything GuildSoftware-related. It's working fine now :)
Sorry everyone. Provider turned up a new outbound connection to Level3 (good internet) and our routes got a bit messed up in the process. We're in the midst of making our stuff more redundant to prevent this sort of thing in the future..
Sweet and swift as usual, i wish more game developers were like you four.
And I still wish that today :)
lol yoda !
Thanks :). and I think that's enough with the confusing-thread-resurrection.