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Nov 01, 2004 Llegolas link
So what you are trying to say is; It doesn't make much of a difference, bounty or no bounty!
Nov 01, 2004 Llegolas link
Personally, by adding bounties you are actually making a definite feature of it. This should bode well as the Devs. are keen to add content! :D
Nov 01, 2004 Viper2560 link
Llegolas, yeah pretty much what i was sayin was either way someones gunna get skrewed. but id like them to come back. bounties were always fun :)
Nov 01, 2004 Llegolas link
Cool :) That's 2 in favour. Any more? ;)
Nov 01, 2004 goatwarrior link
I'd like to see bounties tried again as well.
Nov 01, 2004 yodaofborg link
The way bounties are currenty planned by the devs (ie, not everyone gets one) i think kinda rules, hand up for a bounty, be looking for my name soon in the news, i'll also give cash to the first player that catches and kills me.... hehe (i still have zero deaths, hoping its a player that gets me first, and not a

P.s. i wont duel until after my first death.....
Nov 02, 2004 KixKizzle link
I agree completely with Llegolas! Bounty should be determined by the killed player/bot's combat level in relation to our combat level. This would make botting a whole lot more profitable.
Nov 03, 2004 edfgreen link
Why not make the bounty system completely player generated. Have it like where if your standing with a country is over 2000pts or so you can put hits out on rogue players. Even allow multiple characters to put money in on one bounty like a cash pot. Have statistics of all piracy available at stations so that people know who to target. Something like that would curb exploitation because the only money being passed around would be player generated. It would give people a feel of actually having some in game power.. like the ability to raise an army at whim kinda. Add in some additional safe guards and you'd be set. I dunno.. it might have been suggested already, im pretty new to the game. Just my 2c.

Nov 03, 2004 goatwarrior link
I think the bounties should pretty much been posted per government. If a serco kills an itani, the player has an option of adding a bounty to the serco filed with his government. The only people who can collect the bounty are another itani or a UIT with a sufficiently high reputation in the itani government.

In fact, it's probably best to have bounties only available to itani that have high enough respect in the itani government as well. Sort of a reward for being a respected member of itani society or something. If someone kills the pirate who is not elidgable for the bounty, the bounty stays in effect until someone who is elidgable kills him. (Duels negate bounty eligibility)
Nov 03, 2004 Kazrath link
Personally I think bounties should only be gained from killing opposite faction players or "star base" defending NPC ships of a faction.

These bounties would be able to record how big of a player killer somone was.. the more the bounty the more sought after this player would be for somone to kill him.

Do not give the bounty a "Monitary" value... maybe a score multiplier. Thus people will not want to loose any bounty.
Nov 03, 2004 Spider link
Score is a bad idea. It gives people a measure to compare, and inspires grinding-competition instead of achievement. :-)
Nov 04, 2004 goatwarrior link
Good point. People might try to kill just for score rather than kill as a way of accomplishing a nation task (ie: defending a cargo ship)
Nov 06, 2004 Shapenaji link
Also remember people, that theres another way to deal with piracy, hire an escort. Find a sufficiently strong player who's willing to fly alongside.

For example, I'll offer my services to any UIT/Itani moving through
itani/uit space:

Username: Shape
Experience: lots of PvP, CTC attacks/defense
Price:8,000 creds per system we travel through
Nov 06, 2004 erloas link
think we can assume that anyone that goes into piracy has a good grip on the game and is established, ie not someone just starting. so they know what they are getting into

so maybe the penalties for dieing increase as the bounty on you increases. if you kill an evenly leveled pilot then you get no bounty. if you still someone really low level, or cargo ships, then you get a higher bounty. the higher the bounty on your head when you eventually get hunted down and killed, the more you loose when you die.
this will mean that even if the pirate gets a friend to collect the bounty, the pirate is gaining very little because of the increased loss. it would also encourage ppl to target others of a similar 'level' so that if/when they are hunted down later they don't loose as much.
as far as story-line goes, this increased loss could be due to the fact that the pirate must pay his way out of jail, because the bounty hunter would assumably have to bring in the pirate to collect the bounty.

also depending where they die, and the closest station (not their home station) is where they appear. if they are deep in enemy lands, IE probably killing newbies, the pirate will only be able to get a very low level ship, and will have to fly back to neutral or his own space to buy back the great ship he had before. they would be safe from NPC patrols in the enemy territory as long as they are still in the low level ship, and don't attack another player, then giving them a chance to get back home. if they are killed by another player then, then they return like normal to their home plant.

also if someone that has a bounty is killed in their home territory or in the neutral areas, then they can get out of jail very cheaply and will be able to get back their great ships/equipement right away. thereby encouraging players to fight in the neutral areas, and discouraging newbie greifing.