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Possibility for an ingame contest.

Jul 12, 2004 Celkan link
The Abstract:
You always thought you were good with rails did you not? Here could be your chance to prove once and for all that you are the best railgun user in the Vendetta Universe.

The Plan:
If enough people choose to do this, the plan would be to find a suitable, MOSTLY empty sector in which the event would take place, preferably with a few asteroids for ease of measurement. From there, an asteroid would be chosen as the center of activity. Selected ships (most likely Centaurs or Ragnoroks) will be in charge of laying mines, one at a time, for the contestants, who will retreat to a distance of 1000 meters from their mine. Shooting will commence on the Judge's signal (that would probably be me), and one at a time, the contestants will shoot at their mine. There will be 6 (six) rounds. At the end of the six rounds, if a tiebreaker round(s) is/are needed, they will be taken until there is a definite First Place winner.

Scoring is out of 5 points for each round, totaling 30 for the contest. The reason being that for every miss you make, a point is taken off for the wasted ammo. If you run out of ammo at any time, you are disqualified. (You may use more than five shots to destroy a mine, however, you will still recieve a zero for that round and you will have wasted some of your subsequent round(s) ammo.)

Firing Rules:
Players will take turns, the order of which will be detailed in the next section. When it is your turn, move 1000 meters away from the selected asteroid with the mine in the center of the rear radar. When the Judge gives the go ahead, you may commence firing at the mine. Attacking, verbally abusing or harassing the Judge, mine layer, or other contestants is not allowed. Doing so recieves immediate disqualification. If a hostile party enters the area (or shows themself within the firing range) it is the duty of the other contestants to destroy the hostile. For this reason, a Vulture or Itani Border Guard Centurion is recommended. (Keep in mind that if you link your weapons and fire two rails at once, it will count as two shots.)

Signing up:
First, we want your pilot's name. Second, we want to know his charid. This can be found by typing "/verbose 2" into the console and going into an empty sector. Two charid's will appear. The one that is not "0" is your charid. Write it down and post it along with your pilot name. The order of firing is based on the numerical order of the charid's.

Places you can get rails:
Almost any Corvus station for lower than normal levels, and anywhere else for varying levels (Serco and NT stations have them for decent levels).
Jul 12, 2004 harvestmouse link
nice contest (though I'm no good at rails) ... want to add moving targets to that?
Jul 13, 2004 UncleDave link
Rails still twist... even with autoaim off. Not only do you need to point your gun in the right direction but you need to be in exactly the right place, and... ugh. It hurts my brain...

Good idea but the practicalities of it with this engine... aren't.
Jul 13, 2004 Sheean link
"Moving targets"

/me jumps in his kamikaze bus
Jul 13, 2004 quiveri link
Moving targets! Get vBot back up and we could use IT as a moving target :D

Jul 13, 2004 Shinaku link
Horgrathi worked on a Vendettawards thing. He did quite a bit before he left. I would have given you his works... but I did rm -rf /public_html/ with out thinking :)
Jul 13, 2004 roguelazer link
I'd do this, except that I've done extensive testing on the "rail-twisting" issue, and believe that it makes any kind of game like this highly unfair.
Jul 15, 2004 Celkan link
Rogue, I've hit busses from 1100m out, the max range of the rail when neither parties are moving. If someone wants to volunteer a ship... a Rag perhaps?
Jul 15, 2004 roguelazer link
Read the bumped thread in Bugs.
Jul 16, 2004 harvestmouse link
get 2 teams of normal centurions and arm them with rails... and let the fight begin! weeee
Jul 16, 2004 UncleDave link
HEY! Me and silentsuicide came up with that idea in the old s9 :op
Jul 16, 2004 harvestmouse link
"great minds think alike"

-hahaha :p *jest
Jul 16, 2004 silentsuicide link
sniping wars behind the old Earthly Summers holo boards with the big tubes around it :D
Jul 16, 2004 roguelazer link
The ONLY good fighting is Gravitons with autoaim off. That is the best duels EVER.
Jul 17, 2004 Phoenix_I link
Back in my day rogue, Blue Ions/lazers were the best duels EVER. Other than level 2 rockets of course.
Jul 17, 2004 Urza link
i ear that phoenix... i almost could best yu
Jul 17, 2004 roguelazer link
I remember blue ion duels... But we ain't got thsoe no more. We do have gravs, though, which are like blue lasers.