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More ship components?

Jul 01, 2004 Grendal link
A few weeks ago I was flying about and noted a Serco on approach with crazy amount of points. I refer to it as PK points. Anyways he opens up on me with what seems like a spread of torpedoes and vaporize my freighter. Fair enough. He's a pirate and that's what they do.

But I was curious about counter-measure against those kind of weapons systems. Will Vendetta eventually have ECM, Point Defense weapons, stealth packages, advanced sensors, etc.? It would be nice to be able to get something that can increase your chance of survival by at least 1 or 2%. ;)

I can see it now! An unarmed freighter loaded with cargo and packed with ECM making a run to initiated a Short Jump while a bad guy is in persuit! Now that sounds exciting!
Jul 01, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Well, the topic of Point Defense Systems (PDS) and Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) has been discussed numerous times before. However I have never heard any official word about PDS/ECM equipment being placed ingame but I have heard from some players that there is a plan to put that stuff in after release.

As for Stealth and Sensor Advances, and even Decoys the subject of Stealth and Sensors to counter Stealth have been discussed on several occasions, but again, nothing definitive.