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Sector 13 War Video Captures

Apr 26, 2004 FiReMaGe link
EDIT: Forgot to mention these were made for broadband users.
EDIT #2: It's instead of for awhile.

I've captured videos of the Sector 13 War. They are all third person views. They are listed bellow in chronological order. All Video Captures are compressed with XviD and are at the resolution of 640x480 except the list. Also, these video captures are POST AVALON. You will not see avalons in these video captures.

If you cannot view these video captures or are having problems, I recommend the multiplatform VLC media player:

NOTE: These videos may be removed at any time. Do not complain if these links no longer work. Bandwidth might exceed as well.
13.0M - This video is a zoom in of the war. There is no sound. a1k0n is focused on after halfway of the video. Enough action to keep watching.
1.1M - This is a view of the user list at 1028x768. No sound.
27.8M - Right in the middle of the battle. The camera in this one moves around. Almost always has action.
1.7M - Close up of the rotating ring of cargo. Good amount of action. Also short.
10.0M - Not as much action per second as the first ring close up but includes the short lived larger blinking ring.
16.1M - The camera in this one starts from the station and moves close to the middle of the battle. Includes a nice short fly by of rockets in the middle.
9.1M - Get a high view of all the traffic the station gets from this video capture. Explosions included.
9.4M - Another view of the station's traffic but this time between the docking bays.
7.5M - Many ships above and a few close encounters; this one's interesting.
3.7M - Although there is plenty of action in the background, this one's not very exciting.

Apr 27, 2004 RelayeR link
Great job, FiReMaGe! FINALLY, video of a1k0n in his uber valk!
Apr 27, 2004 roguelazer link
Apr 29, 2004 StarFreeze link
Bumpy :)
Apr 30, 2004 Archon link
*me downloads*