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Reviving Teamspeak

Apr 07, 2004 alienb1212 link
Alright, you cant say you dont want to hear that favorite little griefee's voice as you ram him to death. I can plop a server up if there's an interest, even have seperate nation channels, etc. Anyone up for it? or will it die just as it's done in the past?
Apr 07, 2004 roguelazer link
I've had a server for a long time. It's on the Itani Site, and there was a post about it here which had 0 replies. Address is
Apr 07, 2004 Eldrad link
Well I don't have a mic... and teamspeak isn't out for the mac yet... but if (when) it does come out for the mac I'll probably get a mic this summer.
Apr 07, 2004 ctishman link
Got a USB mic, waiting for TeamSpeak for Mac.
Apr 07, 2004 SirCamps link
Got an iSight... waiting for teamspeak.... blah.
Apr 07, 2004 harvestmouse link
I'm up for it
my mic is worth like 50 cents though (lol ask Jm)... I might have to get a new one
Apr 07, 2004 zamzx zik link
my dad had a iSight......will ask (if it comes out of mac)
Apr 08, 2004 Archon link
Errr.. iSight doesn't have sound, does it?

Anyway, I'm all in for it, when TeamSpeak arrives for the Mac. Would be great... only 't be a bandwith eater of class, of course. Heh.
Apr 08, 2004 genka link
iChay has sound, but I don't think it does group chats and whatnot. Oh, and iSight does have a built-in mic from what I remember...
Apr 08, 2004 andreas link
Sure it does.
Apr 08, 2004 randomblast link
Sure, i'd love to listen to everybody wail as they're rammed from behind. Unfortunately... I have no mic. And i don't intend to buy one. Because i'm tight-fisted. And poor.
But yeah, i think it's a great idea, and i have even been on Roguelazer's TS server, but i couldn't get on the Itani channel with the supplied password, and there was nobody online anyway.
Apr 08, 2004 roguelazer link
Too poor for a $5 mic? Wow, you ARE poor.
Apr 08, 2004 ctishman link
/givemoney randomblast 5
Apr 08, 2004 Arolte link
iChat does have group chat, but my Halo clanmates have already attempted it and it hogs up way too much bandwidth to be used effectively with games. What they're using now is a program called Haxial KDX, which is a Hotline client for both PC and Mac. For anyone who doesn't know, Hotline is like IRC but much much better. This program just happens to have a very efficient voice chat feature that works great with games. The major plus here is that it's crossplatform.
Apr 08, 2004 roguelazer link
Dual, though. TeamSpeak will be tri-platform once they finish TeamSpeak3.
Apr 08, 2004 alienb1212 link
Yeah, arolte, TeamSpeak was actually usable over dialup, it's very bandwidth-efficient...
Apr 08, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Ventrilo used to be pretty damn good, until this newest version. Btw, Arolte, what's yer halo name?
Apr 09, 2004 sleon link
and where is the server now??
Apr 09, 2004 ctishman link
Yes, TeamSpeak 3 will be awesome when it finishes in... 2006 or so. Actually, I predict that before that point, they'll announce that Mac support is coming "at a later date", and then forget about it forever in the flurry of Windows and Linux bugs that crop up.

Check this message six months from today and see if I'm right.
Apr 09, 2004 alienb1212 link
I forsee the death of apple in 2005. Woot