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Does anybody remember...

Jan 16, 2004 Spellcast link
ooo i should know this those two killed me so many times it's not funny. they were the bane of my n00b period. (then i learned how to use blue ions and type 2 rockets, and they were just problematic not impossible)

fygar and hmmm this is sad i cant remember.
Jan 16, 2004 electric27 link
Does anybody remeber the names of the 2 bots who patroled in s9 in 3.1? I wanna make a char with their names. Thanks in advance.
Jan 16, 2004 Hoax link
Fygar? Frygar? and...and...and...uh, all I remember is I hate them both and will KOS any re-birthing of them.
Jan 16, 2004 roguelazer link
Fygar was one. Dunno the other. Check peoples' screenies.
Jan 16, 2004 Arolte link
Fygar was the wormhole camper. The other one was... I have no idea. OMG I can't believe I can't remember. I know Arolte was a bot name in s8.

Jan 16, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Forgive me for asking this, I wasnt around at the time of these bots...

Were all sectors once home to bots or were bots able to once patrol around like our own craft?
Jan 16, 2004 SirCamps link
no, but there were a couple of nasty 250 bots in 9 that killed a lot of people. 5 had bots, as did 10.
Jan 16, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Okay, the second bot begins with an A. Thats all I remember.
Jan 17, 2004 Arolte link
C'mon, someone has to have screenshots of s9 with the second bot in view! This makes a pretty good Vendetta trivia question. Maybe we should have a contest for veterens and hardcore fans.

PS: I think it was something like Agrir or Agar? Maybe that was another bot.
Jan 17, 2004 Icarus link
It was more along the lines of "[AI] Arachnid"...
Jan 17, 2004 Niki link
[AI]Fygar and [AI]Arachnicon or so..
Jan 17, 2004 FiReMaGe link
Niki is right. But there might have been spaces between the tag and name.
Jan 17, 2004 Niki link
Jan 17, 2004 electric27 link
Thanks a lot guys!