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VO 1.8.464

Jun 30, 2018 incarnate link
VO 1.8.464 includes:

- Keychains are now sorted with active keys first.
- Inactive key descriptions are now a darker color.
- When given an access key, the description of the key is now displayed in the text notification.
- Removed In-App Recurring Subscription choices from Gear VR and Oculus Go version.
- Players who spend a great deal of time docked in a station may find their sector visibility decreases while docked. This can then be reversed through regular gameplay.

Lots of other development on-going, which hopefully we can start to publicly discuss before long. Have a great weekend everyone!
Jun 30, 2018 TheRedSpy link
- Players who spend a great deal of time docked in a station may find their sector visibility decreases while docked. This can then be reversed through regular gameplay.

Oh nice solution to station bots.

What happens if they automatically undock and then /explode, does the restriction hold until they actually move around for a while?
Jun 30, 2018 greenwall link
yes, one would hope that various means of resetting the visibility were taken into account
Jun 30, 2018 incarnate link
One would hope, yes. I'm not going to describe the specifics of exactly how it works. We are monitoring and logging a lot of things, and this is only one aspect of probably several different evolving changes that may take place to mitigate this situation, before we accomplish our goals.

The intent is to make the solution pretty transparent, and reduce false-positive occurrences, where actual players find their visibility limited in stations. There is a lot of rolling data persistency.
Jun 30, 2018 Darth Nihilus link
What behavior is this intended to mitigate? I can see many things this effects, but just curious as to what you desire not to see.
Jun 30, 2018 incarnate link
I am not, and have never been, an advocate of activity-monitoring bot networks.

I'm willing to tolerate "store bots" (despite their being kind of a technical hassle for us), until such a time as we create our own mechanics to achieve the same thing and let people effectively "trade" while offline.

But technically sophisticated networks of bots just to track other players.. basically subverts gameplay to the advantage of a privileged few. It's not an intended part of the game, and it's pretty silly.
Jun 30, 2018 Luxen link
I'm willing to tolerate "store bots" (despite their being kind of a technical hassle for us)

Jun 30, 2018 incarnate link

I assume you're intending to ask "Why are store bots a technical hassle for you?".

Basically, they keep sectors online "artificially". That causes very long runtimes for the Sector Daemons, which can cause some other things to get out of whack. There are various factors like Lua garbage-collection cycles getting longer, or the PRM-node system used for AI navigation getting a little weird, or complicating the propagation of SD code-updates without forcing a full server shutdown, or the desire to do maintenance on selective portions of the SD server-cluster, or.. whatever.

But, like I say, these are just "hassles", it's not really too troublesome for the most part (we've addressed many of the stability issues by now), and it does force us to confront challenges and issues that only occur with long-runtime sectors (weeks on end, sometimes), which is a good thing overall and makes for a more robust game.

So, yes, we tolerate it although it's a bit of a technical hassle. I understand it's a valuable source of trade-related gameplay for people, and we don't really have an built-in alternative as of yet.
Jul 02, 2018 HighTechRedneck link
Maybe the shop owners could log off the bots for a short duration of time to allow the sector to reset?
Jul 02, 2018 Luxen link
Why did you remove the recurring options? Did they change how the store works or something?
Jul 02, 2018 incarnate link
Oculus does not support recurring billing. They were left in there by accident.